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[EU][PvE] Sunspear Order [SO] is looking for active, friendly members!


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Hi my name is Elosia and I am the Spearmarshal (Leader) of the Sunspear Order Guild. We are looking for active members who want to be a part of our friendly community.


We are a PvE/Raiding community with ~140 members. Our Guild Hall is Gilded Hollow and is max level. Our focus is on general PvE and Raiding, but generally just being a group of friends to play with!

What can we offer you

  • Raid Training: We want to introduce our members to the hard parts of Guild Wars 2 in a fun, welcoming environment. We have many experienced officers keen to give a helping hand. (These sessions are Tuesday 18:00-19:00BST and Sunday 19:30-21:30BST)
  • Raid Static: For the more experienced among you we have raiding we have two static squads. One full squad that raids on Mondays (19:00-22:00BST) and another squad that we are in the process of filling that raids on Tuesdays (19:30-22:30BST).
  • Open Raiding: For experienced members that don't wish to commit to a static we offer an Open Clear on Wednesday evenings (19:30BST)
  • "Something Saturdays": Even if you don't raid there is something for you, hopefully. On Saturday's we run a non-raiding event (Dungeons, World Bosses, Guild Missions etc) from 19:00-21:00BST
  • Friendly Community and Discord: A lot of our community like to chat out with the game using discord as their primary method. We also use discord to keep our members updated with events, upgrade goals and rule changes. It's pretty fun here in my humble opinion!
  • Veteran Players: We have a lot of old raiders/players in the Guild who can give advice to newer members. We do not promote any elitism so all are welcome!
  • New Members: On the other side we also have many newer members who you can level, progress and learn with!

    What we ask of members

  • Be respectful of one another, we want to keep a friendly vibe and leave any hateful, discriminative or disrespectful talk outside of the Order.
  • Be active: this doesn't mean you have to play X hours a week, but come along to our events, chat with your guildies!
  • We require that members join our discord.
  • Read our rules and instructions for more info when joining!

    How to Join?

    The best way to join would be to join our discord at https://discord.gg/r2G6Psc.When joining you will enter a #welcome channel and an officer will contact you in there.

You could also mail me in game (Elosia.6912) but this will likely take longer as I have quicker access to Discord.

Please be patient. You may join at a time when officers are busy (work, real-life commitments) and they may take a little while to get to you, but hopefully it should not be too long!

We hope to see you in our roster!

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