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LF a casual-to-semi-casual PvX [EU] Guild!


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Hi there! Myself and my friend Twist are looking for a friendly, active, LGBT+ positive EU PvX guild to hang in!

Twist and I are both in the Underworld EU server, and are both casual-to-semi-casual PvX players living in the GMT+1 and GMT+4 timezones!

We both play PvE and dabble in WvW and Fractals, and one day would like to try raiding but will need a patient and helpful community since we're completely new to it and haven't participated in raids before. Newbie friendly!

We also would love a community that we can hopefully make some new friends in and share our interests outside of GW2!

If you wish to send some in game mail about your guild instead of using the forums, feel free to drop us both a message! My friend's GW2 account is twist.3546. <3

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