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[EU] The Better Fractal LFG for Talented Players


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Here's my attempt to form a higher quality, more cohesive fractal lfg after having basically pugged my way to fractal god and then some, and witnessing the horrors of pugs even in 250, 300kp, 400kp+ groups. If you feel you're a decent player in fractals, are tired of pugging or your static, and are looking for someplace that is both informal and can efficiently get you your dailies, then consider sending me a mail ?

The guild is non-rep.

Some basic requirements, just so this initiative doesn't regress into the original fractal lfg:

  • don't be toxic
  • 250kp (this is flexible, as kp isn't indicative of skill. However, most seasoned fractal runners will have at least this much, if not much more)
  • can play at least two classes in fractals to a high degree, including:dpsweaver, dragonhunter, soulbeast, holo/power chrono/reaper if you're really good at itcore war/berserkerzerk firebranddiviner renegadesupport chrono (only as a second option to firebrand/renegade comp)note: if a healer is really needed in case of the instabs being cancer, being able to play one is a plus
  • knowledge of both CMs and all t4sdifferent pots, foods, and sigils for the CMs, knowing when to stealth, how to pull/avoid adds, how to skip, how to cc, how to portal, how to prestack for each encounter etc etc.

If you're interested, and meet all the requirements, then send me a mail at Marchen.3821 ingame. We'll do some fractals together, and I'll see how you perform. If I think you're ready, or have potential, then you are welcome to this new community. Keep in mind that if you do want to do some tryhard strats, or go for records, the majority of people who join will be more than capable of doing so (hopefully!).

I hope to hear from you soon ?

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