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Thief's Dancing Dagger

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So what? Humans always were living in caves before, that "have been like that" for far longer than thief was bugged like that, so following your irrational logic they should've stayed there, hahah. Apply to literally any of your own "X has always been like that" and you'll get the same laughable argument of yours so deal with the fact that things change and old bugs also need to be fixed already even if they were ignored for a long time.

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@Belishine.7493 said:if the game has been this way since lonch and has not been fixed that is the way the devs want it. am i rong here? I do agree right now devs need to fix a ton of bugs but i do not see it geting a fix any time soon by the past experances i have had in this game.

Yes you are wrong, some bugs can go simply unnoticed + devs could've been simply lazy to fix that stuff earlier + they could've simply forgot to fix it.And ye, most likely they won't cos they are among laziest devs I saw by far. Community wants tengu? Nope, too lazy. Community wants new mods for pvp or even something simple like build templates? Nope, too lazy.

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as stated by the devs templates being worked on right now as we speak so you are rong thare but i do see what you mean some of the simple stuff is just being set aside for some reson and they need to fix a toon of bugs that need fixed so that they can keep the experance the same for everyone. thief still gets the bug with bow of invalad pathing a lot for me most of the time i try to use it. It does feel like some of the stuff we think is a bug might not be a bug but the way the devs want the class to be played but it does seem odd when complants about this come up they never try to fix it so this is my stance.

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@"Belishine.7493" said:as stated by the devs templates being worked on right now as we speak so you are rong thare but i do see what you mean some of the simple stuff is just being set aside for some reson and they need to fix a toon of bugs that need fixed so that they can keep the experance the same for everyone. thief still gets the bug with bow of invalad pathing a lot for me most of the time i try to use it. It does feel like some of the stuff we think is a bug might not be a bug but the way the devs want the class to be played but it does seem odd when complants about this come up they never try to fix it so this is my stance.

Yawn, u don't even understand what the word "bug" means.Stop wasting my time and just go analyze that word and may be then u'll finally understand.

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ok a bug mean a issue in a game were it can couse something big like a crash to the game or small like geting invalid pathing to a toon or player this is a bug yes i know what they are. I can tell that i am telling you how stuff has been for over 5 years and yet you want to say i am not helping you. All i am doing is leting you see the patterns and leting you know you might not get any were becosue you think thief is buged. i have tryed for to long to get the devs to fix stuff and all they do is say nothing is rong its you.

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@Belishine.7493 said:ok a bug mean a issue in a game were it can couse something big like a crash to the game or small like geting invalid pathing to a toon or player this is a bug yes i know what they are. I can tell that i am telling you how stuff has been for over 5 years and yet you want to say i am not helping you. All i am doing is leting you see the patterns and leting you know you might not get any were becosue you think thief is buged. i have tryed for to long to get the devs to fix stuff and all they do is say nothing is rong its you.

So you just started copying them like a monkey and justifying their laziness with that obvious nonsense? Rofl... At least they do that to avoid working, but you? Just rofl...

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ROFL your funny man you try to make a point but you keep going in a circle so were do we go from here? I know you think thief is brocken but like i have stated its been this way for years and anytime its brought up its ignored. So how will you proceed from here in trying to tell the devs you think thief is brocken?

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