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[GH] NA - Raids|Fractals|Guild Missions

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● Who We Are

Hello! Grindhouse Gaming [GH] is looking for fun, HUMOROUS, active players to join our returning community. We are an old guild stemming from gw1 with emphasis towards shenanigans and quaggans. We have a very efficacious group of people who are returning to focus on raiding, fractals, and guild missions at this time. We are looking for people to join and learn how to raid with us (people with no prior exp are more than welcome). We are looking to keep our community smaller so that we don't lose anyone in the sea of names. Our main play times right now is 6pm EST to 3am EST. Our guild hall is fully upgraded and have leadership positions available to players who are interested in proactive involvement within GH.

● Requirements

- Discord

- Be at least 17

- Have a great sense of humour. As we are a 17+ guild, there is a LOT of adult humour thrown around

If you have any questions or would like to join us, feel free to pm me or send an in game mail.

Spellslinger Leah.8905

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