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Fan Art #2 /With A Website Of My RECENT Art\

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Hello! You've probably came across my first forum ( ever might I add )

I got some amazing advice from Leo.3428 to make a website to show the work I've done.

If you would give it some time to look at, and see if maybe you would like a picture drawn of you characters let me know c:

I hope to post more of the recent work I've been doing to show all of what I can do, especially with armor ( Since that's a big thing to know and show I can do. )

Website: https://moonofmercy.wixsite.com/moonofmercyart/art-so-far

Let me know what you think c:

Thank you kindly` ☾

If you wish to reach me at discord: ☾ ♡ #0556 <-- That is my name on there.And of course for Guild Wars, Moon Of Mercy.4376

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