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Condition Berserker VS Condition Spellbreaker

Regon Phoenix.8215

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@Regon Phoenix.8215 said:

@rng.1024 said:Alright. You said:"Combustive shot:

3 shots
(as in 1 shot cost 10 adrenaline, so 30 adrenaline means you can use it 3 times)

6 stacks of burn for 5 secLast for 9 sec (fire field)Wide radius (360)"

Let's look at it's tier 1 properties:
  • It's 2 shots (may I remind you the berserk skill has 3)

How in the hell can besserker use it 3 times with only 30 adrenaline? :D :D :D :D

@rng.1024 said:
  • since you've been disproven on every point so far I'll let you have that it's smaller, however the berserker skill can still hit 20 more targets

You haven't even disproved me once and you claimed that berserker can use burst his burst 3 times with 30 adrenaline.......

@rng.1024 said:Since I already showcased how the berserker burst is better in every way except radius, and it can be used once more in the timeframe even though I am extremely generous leaves no room for your opinion. Let's just forget everything else berserker enhances by the by, on this skill alone berserker still wins.

Yeah, by comparing beserker magically using his burst 3 time with only having 30 adrenaline in total against 1 single burst of spellbreaker. Yes, in that, you proved you immeasurable intellect. However, in reality berserker can use his burst one with 30 adrenaline, while spellbreaker can use it 3 times. And 3 spellbreaker bursts are way more powerful that 1 berserker burst. I am sorry that reality doesn't work like your fantasy.

Do I have to remind you choosing both Berserker and Spellbreaker caps your adrenaline for bursts at 10?

The skill hits 3 times, always does since it's a berserk skill. Not sure what you talk about 30 adrenaline, any spec can burst 3 times with 30 since each burst cost 10 when an elite spec is equipped.

Let's even give you f.ex headbutt, take it out of the equation since it gives you the 30 adrenaline you are on about. Still berserker come out on top in everything but radius .

If you can't be bothered to actually read what's being said, aquire knowledge of the game mechanics and actually present a single valid argument based on fact not opinion, I see no point in discussing further. You do you, if you feel Spellbreaker is better for condi go ahead buddy, after all it's a game and there's no point in playing if you don't have fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@rng.1024 said:Do I have to remind you choosing both Berserker and Spellbreaker caps your adrenaline for bursts at 10?

Liar liar pants on fire.

@rng.1024 said:Let's even give you f.ex headbutt, take it out of the equation since it gives you the 30 adrenaline you are on about. Still berserker come out on top in everything but radius .

You didn't even managed to provide a single reason why.... not a single one.... Combustive shot can be used more with same amount of adrenaline, adds more burning stacks and have wider fire field.

@rng.1024 said:If you can't be bothered to actually read what's being said,

Says the guy who claims that taking berserker elite reduce maximum adrenaline to 10.......Hypocrisy it is thy name RNG.

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