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[EU] [Raid] - Fireside [Home]


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Fireside [Home]We used to raid with a mix of guildmates and other friends, which lead to a full squad but not really the feeling of an actual team.So now we are looking for some friendly people to form a more static team.

About us:

  • Currently 35 members in the guild but some are very inactive
  • Four of us are actively raiding every week (so we are looking for 6 more people)
  • We have between 250 and 900 LI
  • We used to raid every Friday evening but that will most likely change and the new date will be whatever fits everyone the best
  • While we mainly raid, we are also up for anything else if there is demand

About you:

  • Knowledge about the encounters in w1-4 (preferred)
  • Knowledge about the encounters in w5-7 (optional)
  • Be eager to play multiple roles (build wise as well as mechanic wise) (required)
  • You can play whatever you want (as long as it gets the job done)
  • Experimental builds and theory crafting are welcome
  • Be willing to talk in voice chat with us (highly recommended)
  • Be interested in raiding regularly on a long-term basis (required)

    Note: Your raid experience is not that important as long as you are friendly and can learn relatively fast. We are willing to teach you everything you need to know.

Contact:Sleider:In Game: Sleider.6184Discord: Sleider#3812

Ebb:In Game: ikn.4972Discord: ikn#7442

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