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EU Raid guild recruiting


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Hello! We are [WIPE] world in perpetual enigma. We are raiding guild, 69lvl pof guild hall with around 160 members. We are currently looking for active players who can be Part of our current team called anti-wipe.

What are we looking for:-Players who are, atleast, comfortable with wing 1-4. Having experience on wing 5 and 6 helps.

-Minimum of 150 LIs

-Having a class that's suitable for every encounter, aswell as intentions of expanding their role/class pool.

Before you get into anti-wipe you'll be put up to a trial system. This consists of a ~2 week period evaluation, where we will want to see your knowledge on the wings and logsfrom DPS classes.

If you fail your trial system you'll be put in a rank that we call WIPE. This rank consists players who either: failed to pass to anti-wipe or are better than average newer raider.If you fail a trial, you can apply to trial again- after re-sending logs and attempting trainings.

Schedules: fixed raid days are monday 19 server time and wednesday 20 server time, players are still allowed to post other runs in discord as much as they want.EU

TO APPLY, FILL THIS FORM: https://forms.gle/2bARJUoapZeit5Hv6

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