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mirage superspeed for illusions


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@OriOri.8724 said:While this is true, it defeats the point of IH. The trait is very clearly not designed to help you land your shatters, its designed to beef up your ambush attacks, or at least try to beef them up. So using it in that way is essentially wasting a trait slot.

It can do both depending on the situation, this is a good thing.

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"hey guys, you can fix this if you take this grandmaster trait and use your dodge roll or your trash utility skills for your class mechanic to get to their target maybe and perhaps deal some damage possibly""also you don't get to use your ambush when you want or have your illusions ambush when you want because now they're shattering also enjoy having one less dodge"


how are people accepting this garbage as a real mechaniclike please, end this madness, tell the balance team how bad this is so they can actually fix it and stop coming up with poor excuses of a work around

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