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Game Crashing

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So, did ANet ever try to resolve the "sensitive to overclocking" issue? I recently purchased a new PC and it's now crashing the same as my old PC. That's two out of the last 3 PCs I bought that GW2 had issues with. Screen freezes or goes blank and the computer restarts itself, usually not very cleanly, or requires a hard reboot. Same nVidia nvlddmkm.sys driver errors in the event logs. I have 3 machines that I run GW2 on:

1 - Custom

i7-3930K16GB RAMeVGA GTX 670 SCSATA3 SSD Boot driveThermaltake Level-10 GT Case.

2 - Custom

i7-7700K16GB Corsair Vengeance RAMeVGA GTX 1080 (Not overclocked)512GB NVMe m.2 boot driveCorsair Carbide 600C Case.

3 - Alineware Aurora A8

i5-9600k16GB Kingstom HyperX RAMOEM RTX 2070 (MSI Aero) (Specs say overclocked, but it has the standard 1410 clock, so I don't think it's actually overclocked)250GB Toshiba NVMe m.2 boot drive.1TB WD Black NVMe PCIe m.2 gaming drive

It crashes on #1 and #3, but not #2. Downclocking the video card "fixes" #1, although that's more of a hack than a fix. I haven't tested #3 enough to determine if the same "fix" will work. Is downclocking still the recommended approach? I still need to do more testing with GPU-Z and clean driver installation with DDU before heading down the downclock route.


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