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"Coaching Casuals" - A video series I'm starting...


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Hey everyone,Last month I started a YouTube channel and I've been creating some GW2 videos for it. I'm currently producing the second video in a series which is going to be explaining concepts, mechanics and systems in Guild Wars 2 to New and Casual players; an audience who probably wouldn't have thought about some of these systems. My goal of the series is to give players a large understanding of mechanics, introduce them to build theory crafting, and then show that the build and gear templates can be useful for casual play. The first video is about Attributes and Prefixes.

Upcoming topics include:

  1. Conditions and Boons
  2. Interrupts, Crowd Control and Stun Breaks
  3. Armor, Weapons and Trinkets
  4. Item Level and Rarity
  5. Upgrades and Suffixes
  6. Understanding Traits
  7. Skill Selection
  8. Build Theorycraft and Meta-Build Resources
  9. Using Gear and Build Templates
  10. Current State of Templates

So, if you can, give the first video a watch and let me know if there's something more I should add to the presentation. Each video is going to build on the previous video a bit. I'm also looking for ideas about topics that I've missed. If there's something that you think should be in the above list, let me know!

Thanks guys and gals.

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