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[LFG] Various Guilds [EU]


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Looking for themed Guilds for my characters, so don't expect full represent, only partial.

● Must have a decent nameeg (Dragon Legion) example.

● No forced Donations.

● Not required to have any voice comm.

Here are the themes I'm looking for.

● Ancient Gods/Myth and Legend.● Japanese Assassins Clan.● Government Anti-Terrorist group

I guarantee to...

● Have at least 1 character representing.

● Help out new players in every way possible.

● Will participate whenever possible in other modes, except PvP.

● I promise to try my best to be a valuable member.

Please either reply to this post with guild name or send invite ingame.If I do not accept, it's most likely because of the name, (sorry, but yes, I'm picky about names) or already full.

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