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Should panic strike get a rework?


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titleAs it stands now it is nearly unnoticeable when it procs, partly due to the low duration and partly because everyone has a plethora of ways to get out of snares. The poison claws of the trait only made balance issues for condi builds ever since it was put it. Besides the traits itself the other 2 master traits are tied to stealth so if you are on a stealth-less build you are stuck with panic strike as the only real option.

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@Anput.4620 said:No, it has been gutted damage-wise and a whole build singlehandedly relies on it atm.

What build relies on a passive 30sec icd garbage trait? it can't any good power build since most of them migrated to even the odds, and it can't be any good condi builds since the poison duration in deadly arts had been reduced to a joke.Infact the entire deadly arts line has been so heavily nerfed that it is consigned to be a pure pve traitline, i mean shadow arts is better for damage and sustain than deadly arts unless you pick executioner.

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