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[NA] Noob looking for teaching guild.

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Looking for a guild that will help teach me more about the game. I really do need to learn pretty much the whole game from the ground up, as my only real MMORPG experience is as a fairly casual WOW player. I play daily, logging in many times throughout the day, so schedules aren't too big of a problem for me. Prefer an 18+ guild, as I'm old AF.

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Heya we would be more than willing to help ya out at Polarity Gaming Network (PGN)! While I wouldnt say I was new to the game when I joined, I definitely didn't jack squat about endgame content. These guys really helped me out in that regard. If you wanna check us out message dhayes#8555 on discord and let him know rob sent ya. Good luck either way!

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@robmukherjee.1360 said:Heya we would be more than willing to help ya out at Polarity Gaming Network (PGN)! While I wouldnt say I was new to the game when I joined, I definitely didn't jack squat about endgame content. These guys really helped me out in that regard. If you wanna check us out message dhayes#8555 on discord and let him know rob sent ya. Good luck either way!

So, I can't message him because he isn't accepting friend requests. :/

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Hi friend! Come check out our community www.remnantsofhope.com . We have a diverse player base from veterans to new and returning players and do events throughout the week. Everyone here is super helpful and can answer your questions and help you learn the game. Come check out our site, and if you think your vibe may fit our tribe, please fill out our application! Have a great day!

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@Brimstone Jack.3462 said:Looking for a guild that will help teach me more about the game. I really do need to learn pretty much the whole game from the ground up, as my only real MMORPG experience is as a fairly casual WOW player. I play daily, logging in many times throughout the day, so schedules aren't too big of a problem for me. Prefer an 18+ guild, as I'm old AF.

Do you like to roleplay?

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@Annamika.4206 said:Hi friend! Come check out our community www.remnantsofhope.com . We have a diverse player base from veterans to new and returning players and do events throughout the week. Everyone here is super helpful and can answer your questions and help you learn the game. Come check out our site, and if you think your vibe may fit our tribe, please fill out our application! Have a great day!

Does it matter that you are located on a full server, so I can't transfer?

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  • 3 weeks later...

depend how old AF you are xD we may have something in store for you. a lot of us are working professionals, or mums/dads in their 30s, 40s. been playing together with this game mostly before we zoned out to other MMOs. but we keep it casual, have fun for now since adult life kinda hinders gaming sessions a bit.
definitely casual and what not. here's more info about us. if you're interested, feel free to hit me up any time.https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/41284/na-pvx-intense-pleasure-mmm-chill-guild-lfm-filthy-casuals-to-insomniacs-new-vet-all-welcome/p1

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we're on SoR (medium pop). You're welcome to join us, here's a bit about us: and yes, our members are fairly old (definitely over 18)

We're just looking for active people who want to play everything GW2 has to offer. Laid back in almost every aspect. We have plans to put together a 10 person WvW/GvG group, also have plans for daily dungeon running/raid groups. [GoPK] Guild of the Primeval Kings is a new guild made up of a few old players from launch of the base game. We used to be in an old WvW guild named Feelings Aren't Required[FEAR]. We need officers who are experienced in PvE/WvW/sPvP. Must be able to show knowledge of basic META builds. So if you're interested, shoot me a message on here or message us in game. DonFoe.9604 or LostBalloon.6423Additionnal info: We have a guild hall & a discord is available.

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