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[Suggestion] Implement pulse fields interacting with each other


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Just had a rather unfun PvP match that was lost due to simple mechanic - condi pulse fields locking out points.

There's really no counter to several enemies trapping a field, and the other team really just needed two of them to hold, with occasional help from others when we tried to pile up on a single node. Whether necro wells or DH traps (and we encountered both), your choice is to either walk in and eat it (basically, weaken yourself before the fight even starts), or wait for these things to expire and lose points. Not sure what other option is there, especially when if you try to engage somebody camping a trapped point, they'll just back into the protective area of their trap anyway, and there are only so many condiclears you can pull at once.

Anyway, why don't things like guardian symbols that clear condis from allies interact to negate such traps if cast over them? Or, more appropriately, why not make it so whenever a pulse field intersects one that has opposing effect, either both are negated, or the later-cast one overrides the previous?

At least there'd be some more interaction between profession abilities in that regard, not just fire-and-forget-because-enemies-either-eat-it-or-wait silliness.

For that matter, this isn't even something solely pertinent to PvP games, as anybody trying to get through a defended corridor in WvW can attest to.

Would be nice to have some way to counter trap fields of whatever origin.

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Seems like something extremely hard to balance, since this would hard counter any scourge, well necro, symbol guardian, trap builds etc.

We can MAYBE have specific anti aoe skills (ironically they would also be ground targeted aoe) that haves the efficiency (half damage and half conditions) of offensive aoes. Poison, boon rip and cover condis already counter defensive aoes.

This is a very interesting idea though. Anti-aoe is needed but I don't know how anet would implement that.

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@"Tayga.3192" said:Seems like something extremely hard to balance, since this would hard counter any scourge, well necro, symbol guardian, trap builds etc.

We can MAYBE have specific anti aoe skills (ironically they would also be ground targeted aoe) that haves the efficiency (half damage and half conditions) of offensive aoes. Poison, boon rip and cover condis already counter defensive aoes.

This is a very interesting idea though. Anti-aoe is needed but I don't know how anet would implement that.

I don't really see why it would hard-counter. Anybody running a specialized "traps" build will have access to far more of those skills that any "healer" can deal with, much less if the fields require specific interaction. The game already has supporting code for handling it (since it detects field presence on players), just add a check for field type and remove/ignore as necessary.

Conquest games require presence on capture points. Anything that prevents it should have a counter, and currently I don't really see any to a trap play. Yes, some specs can do condi conversion (and I actually have two of those that I used to great success), but that's a trade-off in other areas.

Double cookie points if Anet also added elemental fields interaction, so even if you don't have a "heal/cleanse" ability, casting a fire field over that water AoE enemy just used to heal their team disables it.

Dunno, though it would be a nice addition to existing mechanics.

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