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a couple of questions concerning Tournament UI

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yesterday I was running an AT and I noticed a couple of things or bugs and I'd like to know if anyone is experiencing the same and if the devs have already stated something about it.

First of all it seems to me that during the tournament the "standing" panel is bugged and I could see only 4 teams when at the end of the tournament there were something like 20 teams, is it a bug or it is a swiss thing where I see only the opponents of my "rating"?Second, and this is more a request, at the end of the tournament are the teams ordered by their position in the ladder? Can we have the position nearby the name of the team?Last but not least, I noticed that I got a lot more qualify points for the MAT than the one I won in the tournament; it is true that I haven't used my QP in the last MAT, have those points from the last month been carried to this month?

Thank you for your explanations and help!

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