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Can't connect with Guild Wars 2 ( and many other games on my pc )

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Since Yesterday I can't connect to Guild Wars 2 servers. The same problem occurs when it goes with Warframe, Brawlhalla or any other game that needs internet connection, except Leeague of Legends. When I'm trying to use Epic Game Launcher there's a problem. Error called EC-MD-DL and there's nothing about it on the internet or their support. So it may be problem with my Internet. How can I fix it so I can lvl up My Charr? Already tried resetting and reinstalling drivers.

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This doesn't sound like a problem with GW2, but let's see if we can help you nonetheless.

Since you said the problem occurs not just with GW2, but other games aswell: Are you able to access Websites as normal while the problem is there? Is the problem constant or does it only happen periodically?

Have you tried restarting your router?

Edit:Can you visit this website https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/201862998-Troubleshooting-Connectivity-Issues and try the traceroute part? It would help to know where exactly the connection is cut off.

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