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Thunderhead peaks south meta and unplayable lag

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Today I joined a Thunderhead Peaks south meta. In the whole map there was no lag. But as soon as you were at the meta area (amount of players did not matter) there was an extreme skill lag (as in skills not going off, extremely long cast times), mobs did not seem to get damage most of the time, mobs porting around etc etc. I have never experienced anything like this. Internet is fine and I never have such lag issues in big groups, meta's and so on. Everyone was reporting the same thing. We failed the meta because of this lag. Did it break with the latest patch or something? Would be nice if Anet could look into this.

Server: EUThe meta was the south meta (the oil drills one)Time played: the meta was around 22.45 PM (GMT+1) or so.

Not sure if this one got reported before but would like to bring it under attention as this obviously needs a fix.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I totally agree! The lag is still there unfortunately :( I also confirm that player amount while doing meta does not affect the lag.I also noticed that the lag is present regardless of where on the map the character is positioned, so long as you stay in Thunderhead Peaks map.The Oil Floes meta event is almost impossible to complete now due to this lag. Please do something! This meta looks nice and challenging, I hope it can be fixed soon.

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I would like to add that on Saturday I came to this region for the first time and it was unplayable throughout, with up to a 1-sec lag between pressing an attack button and there being any response to it. Everyone on the map chat said they were experiencing it so it wasn't a case of just my system or ISP connection, both of which are well above what would be considered necessary. As it was, it was unplayable so I gave up and went to a different map which was perfectly fine.

Thinking that perhaps it was simply a case of Saturday user overload I decided to come back today (Monday morning) when it would be quieter. The lag issue was better, but there was still a frequent appreciable delay of perhaps 1/3 of a second at most times, and occasional spikes when the lag was in excess of 1 or even 2 seconds. Again, asking in map chat indicated that I wasn't the only one experiencing the issue and that everyone in map was getting the same lag spikes.

The map itself is not very busy at all this morning so I can't attribute it to player overload, and I've not had any trouble in any other map I've been on...just Thunderhead Peaks. I am fairly confident that my system isn't to blame (AMD3950X, GTX2080Ti, etc) or ISP (never under 100mbps up/down, static IP, no other users sharing the connection) and that would tend to be born out by other people on the map experiencing the same issues at the same time.

Just one last note...this wasn't during just the metaevent (whatever and whenever that is). It's happening repeatedly and frequently throughout my attempts to explore the map. It will be fine for a few minutes, then lag out for a minute or two. It's unplayable. I will once again go and do something else, but I had hoped to be able to experience this map as I've been working my way through the Season 4 for the first time. Maybe I will be able to try it again after another update or two.

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  • 2 months later...

Can confirm this is still the case and meta event (Oil Floes) is unplayable like this, everyone around also reported huge lags with up to 10seconds delay. Whole party wiped without being able to do anything as soon as the Hydra bosses Spawned.Definately in need of a fix.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We just failed a reasonable populated north meta attempt; the lag was repeatedly 10 to 15 seconds in waves, and we made it through to the riftstalker, and didn't even nick his health. Every command was taking a few seconds with complete frequent freezes for 5 to 10 seconds. This map is always problematic, but this was completely a waste of time. Anet, are you addressing this at all?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Managed to lead a North meta to success, but the South meta is impossible, and apparently it has failed at least 4 times in a row today. Top Half of the Light of Deldrimor goes for ~90s on the Trading Post, but the Bottom Half is ~3g20s. And since these metas and their rewards, plus the Hammer's Hoard, which needs items from those metas, are the only way to get the gems for Diviner's gear, actually getting Diviner's gear is a f***ing nightmare. This and similar lag issues on other maps is completely unacceptable, and I have 0 idea why it's still a thing, with not a peep from ANet on even looking into the problem.

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