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I'm in search of a serious guild.


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I’ve been playing since 2012 but with pauses, now I’m looking for a serious guild to master the content and, of course, positive communication. I have all the facilities for communication, good online and, of course, adequacy and friendliness. I hope all the same to find a good guild and with it friends and satisfaction from GW2. Denys.9261

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Heya Denys, your story sounds a lot like mine. Been playing on and off everytime I got the itch but never stuck around long enough because I couldn't find the right group. When I finally joined PGC that changed. The guild members really showed me the ropes to end game content and have been with them for more than a few months now. We are usually always running some sort of PVE content be it raids, dailies, and fractals. If that's something that interests you message dhayes#8555 tell him rob sent ya and he will get you set up. Either way, my advice is stick around guilds with busy voice comms and foster your community! feel free to add me to if ya are just looking for a group too!

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Hey Denys, I'm not sure if you're still looking for a guild at this point. But, if you're interested in a WvW guild, I'm part of a guild called Might and Smarts [MAS] on Anvil Rock. We're a solid and experienced WvW-focused guild looking for friendly, 18+ competitive players who enjoy working as part of a coordinated fight team in a non-toxic, no drama guild. Our community of player friends has been in existence as a WvW-focused group for 7 years. We offer training, support and opportunities for some serious fun. If you're interested, please check us out at https://discord.gg/thYFd9k.

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