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Mirage: Summary of bugs and problems.

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This is a post with all of the Mirage's problems and bugs hoping someone from Anet will see it.

SkillsAxe 2: doesn't always spawn a clone especially if the target is not immobile. It seems to suffer from some huge desync or skill queuing issue that presents itself as forcing large delays before the skill activates. Using the skill often feels like you're playing with 250ms ping, and it's really odd and problematic. It results in getting hit by attacks due to the animation lock, using it twice due to skill queuing, and just generally feeling completely awful.Axe 3: low range after the shadowstep, breaks Mirage's target also and is rng targeting other enemies than the one u want. Best it will land your dmg as intended , worst it will lead to a team wipe in raid . In pvp , the long cast time or animation is also the problem . In pvp a skill which is supposed to give mesmer mobility and a way to avoid being targeted , it makes him a huge pink fly in mid air. And it will still fail to hit the intended target. Also sometimes it moves you to places that cause camera issues, unable to move from invsible walls etc. Using it outside of 550 range + will most likely result in a shadowstep further Away from ur Target, then dashing back to ur starting location, effectively doing nothing.Axe anbush: Doesn't work if you dont look face to face with the enemy even if you have targeted him. Axe ambush on clones does not trigger axe trait, usual clone attacks do trigger axe trait.Staff ambush: Orb that goes in a straight line, extremely easy to avoid even without dodge.

TraitsRiddle of sand + infinite horizon no synergy.1,5 sec protection every 10 seconds is a master trait.Dune cloak bug/tooltip. 3 stacks bleed for 4 seconds, not 2 for 6.Speed of sand should be added to Mirage clock trait and be replaced with smething else.

Utility SkillsSand though glass: Makes no sense to spawn the mirror at the starting point. Now I have to go back to the place I was trying to evade?!

Core problemsThe only thing he is suppose to do, single target dmg, is being done better than other classes.Much dmg is suppose to come from illusions but the fact that they have very low health makes them very vulnerable to all kinds of dmg.Theoritically the idea behind Mirage is to fool your foes no knowing which one you are. Well no decent player will be ever fooled from that.It has the pick up mecanism (mirrors), something the community hated already from Rev's healing and Guardian's aegis.He doesn't have a 25% movement speed buff (This is a problem to core Mesmer too).For a class so mobile he doesn't have the proper damage to take advantage of it. That's why most of us play power MirageFeels like it does not belong to the game. It has no utility to offer and it's the worst thing in the world to play a class and have people telling you to change in order to raid or do fractals with them.

Note: Benchmarks don't apply to the whole game. Hitting a golem is far from reality. The build that they use in benchmarks requires you to stack your phantasmas and keep them alive. This, first of all, can't be a reality in pvp or wvw cause players will kill them easily. And also it makes your shatters useless because why shatter a fully stacked phantasm. Also keep in mind that while in benchmarks they use condi Mirage, most people play power Mirage for a reason in pvp/wvw.

Those are the bugs and problems of Mirage, maybe some fellow Mesmer players can add stuff or correct some. I just hope someone from anet see this thread and look into it. Thank you :)

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Mirrors dont proc shatter traits, when u SHATTER them.

Btw Thanks for adding most of the bugs i mentioned in other threads.

For axe 3 ; using it outside of 550 range + will most likely result in a shadowstep further Away from ur Target, then dashing back to ur starting location, effectively doing nothing.

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I believe they never wanted mirrors to actually shatter. They just liked the word cause of Mesmer and used it.I add most of the things everyone is complaining about based on my exprience and what I saw in threads including yours so no, thank you for mentioning it :)Axe3 is a huge proble for me cause of that and the rng targeting. Since you dont have the 25% movement speed like other classes, its possible when you use axe3, while target is in range when you do the first part, in the meantime when you have to reappear near him, to be further away and instead fo just shadosteping to him you shadowstep to, well, air.I'm just sad that we dont even get a simple "we're looking into this" just like the did we scourge, gazelle pet etc.

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Can u further inverstigate following thing ;

I have a very bad PC and due to that low FPS. Additionaly my Ping in this game is something like 100-150 ms (usually i have 30ms for example in League of Legends); I dont know if this is a Ping/Fps -Issue, but it happened to me allready 3 times (while it didn't happened in like ~150+ times)

Applying Mirage Cloak to myself (in all cases through Illusionary Ambush), while havin a Target in aim (Due to the Target need in Illusionary Ambush for example).INSTANTLY detargeting, and casting sword Ambush , resulted 3 times in Casting the Sword Ambush to the target i HAD in aim.

Following situations; I runed away from certain enemys in WvW. I target an npc mob in WvW and cast Illusionary Ambush to get more distance. I teleport backwards from the mob (the mob is behind me now). I INSTANTLY detarget the mob and cast Sword Ambush.The sword ambush attacks the mob behind me, and i get caught.

Since detargeting + sword ambush was functional in THOUSANDS of times, i don't know if the 3 times it wasn't were bugs, or missplays/ping/fps-issues.If someone with a better setting could recheck this in several fighting situations, i would be thankfull.

If this is a bug, it is another thing which needs to be solved quickly. If this is my issue, it's a thing which i need to work on (which i am currently)

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