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[EU][PvE][Raid] Ripsinrapsin [RiPS] is looking to fill its ranks.


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Who are we?We are a long standing english speaking raid static with very experienced raiders that have fun in clearing raids fast and smoothly. We are not going for speedclears in particular but try to be a bit more on the semi-hardcore side of the raid scene.

Who are we looking for?We are looking to fill out with 4 DPS Players, resp. 3 DPS and 1 BS. Preferably you should have multiple geared classes and experience in all raid wings. You do not have to be a veteran, but some game knowledge is expected. Most importantly though is willingness to learn (tactics, classes, mechanics). We also appreciate the ability to communicate in discord (you dont have to be the talketive type, but a backup-call or the like is always helpful).

If you are interested or want more information whisper/mail fayul.7094 or KrabbenBurger.3276 in game or dm us on discord (fayul#7973 / DerChris#3326).

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