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[BUG?] FPS Drop when switching from Equipment (Hero Panel) to other tabs.

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Hello, after the most recent patch (06/11) which fixed the revenant builds I'd also noticed that swapping from Equipment to any other tab it makes me fps drop for like 1 seconds, its not terrible but a bit annoying since before it doesn't happen.Also I've tried it with 2 characters and with the second one the fps drop was minimal so I don't know if is a inventory issue since in the character I tried I have bags full, but to be honest, I don't know.It only happens from Equipment to any other tab, and it doesn't happen when you switch from any tab that is not equipment, I mean, if you swap from Achievements to Traits there is no fps drop. If you swap between your equipment templates it does also.

Here is a video I just recorded to show what happen to me, and I hope you guys can fix it since it remind me to other mmo games which lags when you open any UI tab (and the UI of this game always run smooth).

Thank you.

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