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Visual Clutter and Bounties


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I seriously feel bad for epileptics in this expansion. I'm not one, and my eyes with these bounties and all the visual clutter already get tired in 10 minutes trying to even discenr danger zones because the boss runs this flashy bright blue boundary instability, on top of the disease dead zones or more transparent fire fields, all while a zerg of people is lighting the bss up on effects that for some reason I can't turn off unlike FFXIV or Wildstar or WoW who let me turn others's spell effects off.

Then there are the hydra bounties with the stop and go signs placed right above them, which is ridiculous, because their height makes it so you have to angle the camera from the floor up to even be able to see those signs.

There needs to be a better way to filter effects. And hopefully there will also be refining of these instabilities because a djin with switching range boundaries zipping all over the place while also having stop and go signs, or the terrible scaling of defiance bars to number of people. So much of these bounties seems broken to the point of encouraging brute force with enforced zerg sizes.

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