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I'm Starting to Dislike Warrior


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@Crossaber.8934 said:

@BurrTheKing.8571 said:

@Choppy.4183 said:

@BurrTheKing.8571 said:After playing even more Holo I'm going to detail what it takes to beat a Spellbreaker and why I am growing to understand the hate we get.
  1. You have to trigger Last Stand with a junk CC then wait for around 10 seconds before you can CC again.
  2. Bait out Shield Stance.
  3. Bait out Endure Pain.
  4. Stop your burst at 50% because of Defy Pain.
  5. Try to avoid triggering Full Counter every 6 seconds.

After you do that you have a brief window before those passives start coming off ICD. It's just as unfun to fight as pre fix Scourge. While you can run a non meta build the vast majority will.

Holo has some very similar traits to Warrior but they tend to be way better balanced. Reactive Lenses are a free stun break but offers no pulsing stability. Self Regulating Defense doesn't let you attack and triggers when you're so low it's basically just used in an attempt to run or get to a teammate while you die to condis. Hilo hits hard, but so does Spellbreaker and it's much easier to sustain yourself.

Honestly I too used to be in the "L2P" camp when it came to SB, but really even if you aren't triggering FC you still can't do anything while it's up, and it's up a lot.

SB just took away the old weaknesses we had that made the passives less powerful.

But, excluding Full Counter, a core warrior has all of that good lovin' and wasn't seen as OP. Moreover, I'm taking apart Spellbreakers pretty handily as a core warrior. So why isn't what you describe more likely SB being a good counter to the Holo build you're using?

@Choppy.4183 said:

@BurrTheKing.8571 said:After playing even more Holo I'm going to detail what it takes to beat a Spellbreaker and why I am growing to understand the hate we get.
  1. You have to trigger Last Stand with a junk CC then wait for around 10 seconds before you can CC again.
  2. Bait out Shield Stance.
  3. Bait out Endure Pain.
  4. Stop your burst at 50% because of Defy Pain.
  5. Try to avoid triggering Full Counter every 6 seconds.

After you do that you have a brief window before those passives start coming off ICD. It's just as unfun to fight as pre fix Scourge. While you can run a non meta build the vast majority will.

Holo has some very similar traits to Warrior but they tend to be way better balanced. Reactive Lenses are a free stun break but offers no pulsing stability. Self Regulating Defense doesn't let you attack and triggers when you're so low it's basically just used in an attempt to run or get to a teammate while you die to condis. Hilo hits hard, but so does Spellbreaker and it's much easier to sustain yourself.

Honestly I too used to be in the "L2P" camp when it came to SB, but really even if you aren't triggering FC you still can't do anything while it's up, and it's up a lot.

SB just took away the old weaknesses we had that made the passives less powerful.

But, excluding Full Counter, a core warrior has all of that good lovin' and wasn't seen as OP. Moreover, I'm taking apart Spellbreakers pretty handily as a core warrior. So why isn't what you describe more likely SB being a good counter to the Holo build you're using?

Full Counter covers up the gap in our defenses that used to exist. You can win as core war because Strength will give you the damage edge so as long as you don't trigger FC of course you'll win. This game isn't based on 1v1 though and the fact remains that SB is way too good in outnumbered situations and team fights where FC is basically a guaranteed trigger.

Holosmith got as much or even better damage pressure than a core warrior, a core warrior can fight a spellbreaker, so as a holosmith. I have once watched a core warrior and a holosmith duel in wvw and i was like looking at 2 demi god fighting each other for couple mins, holosmith got the upper hand though... I don't know the result as it was getting bored over 3 mins of fighting so i have left.

You keep talking about 1v1s and I'm talking about group content that makes up the bulk of the content in the game.

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