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Looking for a WvW Guild [Gandara]


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I'm a returning player, and i really enjoy WvW.I never thought i would enjoy mass PvP in a game, but here we are...Guild Wars does something right with it i guess.

I'm on Gandara server and my main is a Charr Mirage, condi based with full Ascended gear (not really matched properly but that can be fixed).Currently Rank 100. Yeah, not the best rank, but previously, i only played WvW by myself. The rest of the people i played with were PvE content oriented so i played WvW when not doing Fractals and other stuff. Still, Fractals got me tons of ascended trinkets so i'm not sad about it haha.

Upon returning, with all the inevitable profession changes (1 dodge for Mirage - like, really, we were THAT hard to kill? kitten, git gud, meanwhile Scourge is still cancer FML - anyway), i was at first messed up, but upon tweaking my build i can now do PvP nicely one on one. Recently downed a cheeky scourge that was chasing me lol. I didn't want to fight him but he insisted... So i killed him. :innocent: I can hold my own depending on the opposing player build, gear and skill, but mainly i do ok. I'm not a total noob. Anyway, this should get better as i tweak my gear, currently it's all over the place. I'm aiming for Legendary WvW Armor at one point so that'l sort itself out eventually.

I don't have a Warclaw yet but i just need to complete the reward track for it, i got the rest of the stuff already. So that's my current priority because i can see that the meta kinda changed with the introduction of mounts, and i like it, it's faster, new strategies, you can get places quicker. It really changed WvW from what i remember, people don't go the same routes and objective captures, it's more intense. Pretty cool!

I like roaming, either solo, or with small groups, but if there's a zerg going with a commander i always tweak my utility skills and join.WvW is fun.

Anyway, the reason i got back to GW2 is because i'm playing open world content with my friend with new characters, but that's not every day, and when we play, it's only for a few hours. The rest of the time, i'm at WvW, so i thought, why not join a guild that would have me, maybe it'll be more fun. At least, if it's a slow day, we could do small group roaming and stuff.

As for servers, i'm not sure i can or want to switch. This was my first character and i'm kinda nostalgic about staying on my first server. I hope you don't mind that. Besides, I don't have a free server transfer, and with the 'rona around, i can't really be spending on a game just yet.If it's absolutely required, i'll change servers, but if the guild can be on Gandara, even better.

As far as play times are concerned, i am in a GMT+1 time zone (that's CET i think), and i play open world with my friend from like 5 or 6 PM to max 9 PM.I play WvW either before or after that. I plan to play every day at least for a few hours, or at least for a daily, so i'm pretty active. There will be times when i can't play because of work, but so far, i have time to play daily.

IGN: Ravos Xar

Also, i'm not big on voice chat, but i'll join a server wide Discord or something (when i left, it was Teamspeak) so i can follow Commanders.If you have a guild Discord, cool, but don't expect me to be very talkative, i'm shy. :tongue:

I'm 37 years old if that's relevant, but i'm not picky about who i play with, it's all good. :smile:

Thank you for reading!If you would have me, idk, post here or something we'll arrange a meeting in game. :wink:

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