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[NA][LFG] Looking for a LGBTQIA+-friendly guild that does [WvW], preferably on Fort Aspenwood


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I recently started getting back into WvW -- I play very casually, I'm only rank 85, but I'm remembering just how much fun I find the mode, and it's especially nice to be able to play Scrapper and actually feel useful doing it.

However, sometimes the Team chatter can get to me -- just yesterday there were some casually transphobic comments of the kind where asking people not to do that gets jerks to ask "u triggered lawl" (no, I'm not, I just find that you're being rude and I came here to play pretendy fun time games, not be reminded that to a lot of people my gender is at best, a joke). And yeah, I block the offenders, but new grossness does keep popping up (especially around reset; weekdays are usually just fine).

My hope is that if I can find a guild that's LGBTQIA+ friendly (and, specifically, good about ALL parts of the LGBTQIA+ rainbow -- asexuals, bisexuals, pansexuals, trans folk, the whole shebang) that I can play with in WvW will help mitigate some of the frustration I'm feeling with Team chat, even if only so I can hop into Squad or Guild chat like "wow can you believe these guys in team chat smh."

Despite that frustration with team chat, I still have a lot of nostalgia and loyalty for the Fort Aspenwood server, for a lot of reasons, so I'd prefer a guild that plays on there.


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@"TealDeer.4217" said:I recently started getting back into WvW -- I play very casually, I'm only rank 85, but I'm remembering just how much fun I find the mode, and it's especially nice to be able to play Scrapper and actually feel useful doing it.

However, sometimes the Team chatter can get to me -- just yesterday there were some casually transphobic comments of the kind where asking people not to do that gets jerks to ask "u triggered lawl" (no, I'm not, I just find that you're being rude and I came here to play pretendy fun time games, not be reminded that to a lot of people my gender is at best, a joke). And yeah, I block the offenders, but new grossness does keep popping up (especially around reset; weekdays are usually just fine).

My hope is that if I can find a guild that's LGBTQIA+ friendly (and, specifically, good about ALL parts of the LGBTQIA+ rainbow -- asexuals, bisexuals, pansexuals, trans folk, the whole shebang) that I can play with in WvW will help mitigate some of the frustration I'm feeling with Team chat, even if only so I can hop into Squad or Guild chat like "wow can you believe these guys in team chat smh."

Despite that frustration with team chat, I still have a lot of nostalgia and loyalty for the Fort Aspenwood server, for a lot of reasons, so I'd prefer a guild that plays on there.


Hiya, TealDeer! That's awful that you had that experience with team chat (although not surprising). I've sent you an in-game mail. :)


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