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P/P wvw build?


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I'm going to start with I fully understand that this is not meta and not efficient like other combos like D/P , Staff or S/X

I have 3 full ascended meta geared toons and am asking for fun purposes.

Currently my thief is in full zerk, scholar runes

Traits are atm...CS3-3-1SA1-2-1DA2-3-3

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Depends on what you want but pistols have been driven into the ground nerfed especially in wvw with the raycast/richochet updates.

This is core thief with celestial what I used to run... you want either eagle runes or divinity runes. Also when I was playing pistol almost everyday and was a really good pistol thief I notice I would almost never use steal right now im using steal quite often.http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQJAqal0MhynYpTwrJw/EHwElOBCgMwHGxxSsD0PoDB-jpAOABAs/w6PAAA

This is daredevil specced what I currently use although I'd prefer the old build above with ricochet prenerf because the omnomberry pies (even just blackberry pies) + invigorating precision will keep you at full hp during zerging.http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQJAqal0MhynYpTwrJw/ELwE28HsE2C9CDxhlgWCIAkBA-jpAOABr/AAAY/BA

Second weaponset is shortbow to escape bad situations.

deadeye would run more stealth for sneak attackhttp://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQJAqan0MBlPhlOBuFDUGjFYCTLBEAyAehh4wSgPZ2MvmA-jpAOABr/AAAY/BA

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The top build I posted should be the one the nerf bats were aiming for when they started altering richochet/raycasting and other aspects of pistols. It was a very good pistol build. You also want sustain with pistols so celestial is good for many reasons right now I run paladins in spvp and it makes the zerker alternate of the build very easy kills. The stealth is really only in there to get sneak attacks not really used defensively so the shortbow is your disengage.

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