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resistance changes idea


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some trait with mallyx are never used. Anet could buff them a bit

Replenishing Despair - only 126 (up to 141) heal on every condition put on you. this is so weak trait as the healing is too low and also 6 conditions can be put under a sec so you only benefit it as 1 healing with its current icd. maybe if you gain also resistance for 2 sec. could be a nice alternative to the must trait to go Demonic Defiance. also non condition build can use it. or while you have a condition on you you gain 126 healing with 1 sec icd. as condition got duration so at the current state to gain only 1 tick of 126 healing is not useful at all.

Bolstered Anguish - what if it also increase boon duration by 3% as well. as this trait by now is more for dmg dealing. it can prolong also the resistance duration by 15% and above. as its common to have 5 basic conditions.

pulsating Pestilence - what if for every copy conditions you also gain 1 sec resistance. it could be nice add to our non nrg skill resistance proced trait. also could be used by non mallyx user.

Orders from Above - also can proc aoe resistance 1 sec for 4 sec.

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