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Looking For A Guild


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I will start by saying I am pretty much a noob.While I have been playing MMORPG such as Lineage 2 and Guild Wars for almost ten years I am a Guild Wars 2 noob. I have been playing Guild Wars 2 almost entirely solo for the past year and a half on and off and have recently got back into playing but I feel lost. I enjoy the times I do play with others (dungeons, fractals) but have no Guild to call my own. I am looking for a Guild that doesn't have a problem with helping guide me to where I should be.

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We are a new guild who is growing our ranks slowly but we would be glad to have you and help you through anything you may need. Please feel free to mail me or message me in game for an invite if you are interested.

Check out our post on this very forum: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/12102/nyan-nyan-neko-happy-happy-fun-time-meow-na-pvx#latestThanks!

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Hi NaZzo, Our guild swings its doors wide open for folks of all experience levels with the game. Noobs are most welcome; elitists are not. Our membership is more than willing to show you the ropes and help you with content--all you have to do is ask.

So, if you meet our age requirement (over 30), I'd like to extend an invitation for you to join our guild, Just Us Grownups.

We’re a small guild that’s built on the principle that older, mature and well-mannered gamers don’t need an extensive amount of structure to play the game together. What really sets us apart is that we don’t have officers and it’s the membership itself that runs the guild and protects itself from drama.

Here are the basics:We’re on the Jade Quarry server (NA) but since we’re PvE all North American servers are welcome.We’re a small guild that would like to remain small (for the sake of manageablity)We have a fairly equal balance of both male and female playersWe have a fully upgraded guild hallWe have a Teamspeak 3 server and a comprehensive and active websiteWe’re looking for members who are going to interact with the guild both game-wise and socially.If this sounds like something that you’d be interested in, you can read more about us by visiting our site and readingOur Code of ConductHow the Guild is RunYou can also view our recruitment post.

If you’d like to join, we have a simple application to fill out.RevPiy3.png

We look forward to hearing from you and whether it’s with us or another, we wish you best of luck in finding a guild!


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  • 2 weeks later...

how about a guild with lots of casuals and loners?that's how we most came to be in this game, loners bumped into each other and stayed tuned for the long run.i say we're very helpful but that depends vastly on time zones and time differences. since we could run stuff at odd hours compare to your availability.other than that, we try to teach/run end-game contents a lot so people can join, get their feet wet. and overall, we just want to bring new experiences to our own community.feel free to check us out and see if we're a yay or nay.https://www.reddit.com/r/guildrecruitment/comments/716lb0/napvxchillax_guild_intense_pleasure_mmm_lfm/

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