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Engineer visuals update


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I wanted to discuss that question for a long time and as title says it’s all about Core Engineer visual update.

Don’t you think that most of our abilities look old and uninspiring nowadays? And by asking that I first of all mean kits. Flamethrower, elixir gun, tool kit: all those models look like they’re from the 1st century BC. I mean when my engi holds elixir gun, I want that gun looks kinda epic. I’m speaking not about flashy effects or particles, but about simply interesting and beautiful model. The only thing among kits that looks ok nowadays is our “elite” kit. But that’s mostly because it’s just a metal tube.

Before HoT and PoF all those models seemed pretty much good to me, but now a number of years after, it’s becoming more and more frustrating in comparison to other professions.

And that’s a real problem: as and engi you spend a lot of your time in kits. In some builds you can barely see your main weapons (speaking about legendaries :/). And it seems logical to me that kits are supposed to look... hm... better? More inspiring?

I don’t want this discussion to become another blaming of ArenaNet. I am thankful for such a great game and hope to deliver those idea about kits to them. Do you agree with me or kits visuals seem ok to you?

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Visually, there really is alot that could use improvements.And it especially hurts that engineer is always receiving so many broken promises when it comes to visual design.

What do I mean with broken promises?Let's take a look at the very early years of GW2. There were quite alot of pictures with which engineer got advertised back then, oftenly picturing them with turrets as one of their main design appeal (and they are nerfed into uselessness for years already, but I digress...):https://d3b4yo2b5lbfy.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/wallpapers/GW2_EngineerWallpaper02-1920x1200.jpghttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/d/d8/Machines_01_concept_art.jpg

Really cool concepts for the rifle turret! And then you see how it actually looks like in the game:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/8/89/Rifle_Turret.jpg

Another example, when they reworked the mortar to become our elite kit, they said that the design of the mortar kit is just a placeholder and they will give it a completely new design in the future. This has been almost 6 years ago and no one is mentioning it anymore, it is completely forgotten.

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Yes. A couple years ago, I suggested something that was essentially a modified version of World of Warcraft's glyph system, but actually good because it sucks in WoW. That way someone wanting to use the current turrets (just an example) still could. But, maybe the Asura engineer wants to use a turret more akin to the Inquest ones. They would have been able to swap that out if they wanted. The old backpack kits could have also been part of this system. Different kit skins, show/hide the matching backpack, ect.

But, yeah. I feel like there are two classes that have really just fallen behind in several ways, and Engineer is one of them. Not just visually, but as Kodama has pointed out, is certainly one of the aspects for me.

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