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  1. One of the reasons why I was opposing making all elite spec weapons usable for all specs. Engineer was losing out by basically having one less weapon choice because sword does not function without the holosmith mechanic anyway...
  2. Boi, do I agree with this. I always gravitate towards the fantasy of heroes using the right tools for the right moment and dexterity. Always try to avoid magic as far as possible. Engineer was my go o class, because I loved the steampunk theme and that they were fulfilling that fantasy for me. But now all we get is magic thrown around everywhere. Just let us have some cool tech and chemistry without the whole magic mambo jambo...
  3. Really disappointed by this. Engineer players were asking for years for this skill to get it's own transformation and I saw tons of proposals for such. But they do nothing with that feedback and keep it as an unreliable gimmick.
  4. I would just be happy with them becoming spirit weapons in gameplay. Make them perform an AoE attack for a prolonged time and they are untargetable, then they automatically detonate after a while. Anything is better than what we currently have.
  5. Considering that you detonate the canisters, there is a slight chance that all the arrows produce a blast finisher. But if that is not the case, then yeah, won't get played on scrapper support.
  6. Not even angry, just disappointed. I was hoping for a reason to return to the game, so I was highly anticipating this weapon reveal. But I guess I just won't.
  7. Did I read that right... basically the skills 2-5 are all these canisters with just different effects in their AoE? That.... sounds extremely underwhelming. kitten, am I glad that I stopped playing this game.
  8. I think scrapper was also initially supposed to have some kind of resource management. In the blog post in which they advertised scrapper for the first time, they specifically mention that gyros will have fuel and if said fuel is running out, they will explode. Then we got shown the minion gyros and the fuel was literally just an icon on the gyro which showed the duration the gyro does it's thing until exploding. I also believe scrapper might have been an early concept of the heat system of the holosmith. Fuel and the fiery animation of rocket charge makes me think that the class wasn't supposed to have the electrical theme it has now, but was supposed to work with flames and explosions initially. Rocket charge just sticks out like a sore thumb in the hammer kit. All other skills have the electrical theme, except rocket charge. I think they just kept this skill with an explosive theme because they already presented it to the players and therefore HAD to keep it.
  9. Now I imagined Donkey Kong as a dual sword wielding necromancer. I need someone to draw this.
  10. But they failed to address the problem which they said they want to address, which has been that we had specific skills forced into our builds which was restricting build options. All they did was changing the type of skills you get forced into your build. Instead of gyros forced onto us, we have fields and blast/leap finishers forced into our builds. Other classes have the boon generation tied to their class mechanic which they get for free, therefore there are no skills "forced into their skill bar". Because these skills were never a choice in the first place, they are just there. Like the druid celestial avatar skills, or bladesworn dragon trigger, or deadeye and their mark mechanic, or untamed and their ambush skills, etc. If they want to free up our build choices, they would also have to tie the quickness output to a mechanic we get for free for picking scrapper.
  11. I personally think holosmith is the engineer/warrior fusion. The heat mechanic is mimicing the adrenaline mechanic of the warrior, both in gameplay and thematically. And the photon forge itself is giving us the weapon master fantasy of the warrior. The photon forge actually does use a big variety of weapons visually. The auto attacks and 2 are using a sword, skill 3 uses a staff, skill 4 uses dual pistols (or a speargun underwater) and skill 5 uses a hammer.
  12. Stopped playing this game some months ago. Best decision ever.
  13. Anet deliberately never gave ranger rifle, because it is an unfitting weapon for the fantasy they have for this class. Ranger is the "nature class". Themes are nature, plants, animals, etc. They aim to be one with nature. And they don't want to give ranger technology themed weapons like pistol or rifle because this would contradict this idea they had. Rifles are a symbol of technology, industrial revolution and exploitation of nature. Just watch the movie Princess Mononoke, it represents this concept perfectly. So I think rifle will be the dead last they ever add to ranger, if ever.
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