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New to Mesmer - Looking for resources PvP/WvW


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Hey guys, I started playing as a necromancer/ele back at launch, and left when HoT launched. My best friend talked me into coming back for POF, so back on August I started playing again. while I enjoyed my necromancer, I started playing chrono in pve and absolutely loved it. The power of alacrity and quickness really sold me on the class. Since then, I've pretty much only played the mesmer. 100% of the time I'm logged in. I've really gotten a feel for the class in pve, and a little in WvW (but not much).

Over the last few days, I've been trying to get my beak wet with roaming in WvW and PvP. My experience so far has been one of absolute domination by any class I go up against. I'm failing, super hard. I try to just run from any spellbreaker I see, thieves eat my lunch without losing any health, dragon hunters seem to be able to block and survive the opening burst, and I avoid scourges like the plague (tell me I'm punny).

In trying to learn mesmer, I looked at qtfy and metabattle to see what people were running. While I found the written guides for PVE, I never found any videos explaining how the chronomancer spec meshes and skills go together. I've found the same is true for pvp builds. I'm trying to find videos of what works, and how to play it, but I'm coming up empty.

A few days ago, I ran across this for wvw,

and I've been trying shatter builds (mirage and chono). While the damage burst does 100-0 some opponents (when I can get the combo right), I have no idea how I should be playing around other classes. In terms of a learning experience, I'll walk away from most engagements thinking "that went horrifically wrong, but I don't know what I should have done better". I've tried shatter, condi chrono, PU, and recently condi mirage builds, and I'm getting that feeling with all of them.

I understand that within the mesmer class is some extremely high ceiling mechanics, with a bunch of survivability and utility, I just can't seem to learn how to get better and use any of it. I totally mess up blurred frenzy defensively, I feel like my positioning is awful, and half the time I can't even execute the damage (someone will block or dodge effectively).

Can some more experienced mesmers point me in the right direction? How did you get a better grasp on the class? is there any resources, videos, or guides out there that help explain different dueling match ups and what you can do to hamstring big abilities for opponents? The only things I've found so far are either roaming montages, or Lord Helseth (which is less explaining and just some gameplay). I mean, I don't even run portal because I don't feel I use it effectively during pvp matches....

I really enjoy the class, and I know the feeling of accomplishment will be awesome once I know what I'm doing, I just don't know how to get there. :P

Edit: linked the wrong video. woops

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For wvw especially , Could u Share ur gear to see what stats you are using? Do u got prefered stats for Future builds. What weapons do u like using?

staff or Greatsword ? Axe or sword ? Etc.

This Information will help giving advices. Need to get myself into your charakter to Tell u what i'd do.Spellbreakers scourges and thiefs are all beatable and u will get to that point.

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Sure. In wvw I'm running ascended berserker with commanders leggings and chest. I have leadership runes for pve, and I don't know if running exotic berserker armor with scholar runes would be better than my ascended gear with wrong runes.Ascended berserker trinkets.

I'm using sword torch, greatsword for shatter builds. When I try PU, or mirage, I run ascended trailblazers with vipers assessors. Typically scepter torch and staff. But I'll also take mirage line someone times and run axe.

In pvp I'm usually specifically running sword torch and greats word. I did see helseth running a sword torch, staff condi mirage build with a carrion amulet, but when I tried that I got destroyed harder than running power shatter.

I enjoy most of the weapons for Mesmer, I'm just having trouble performing in any capacity.

Is it best to focus on one build and learn the ins and outs, and then try to add more to my skillset? Would focusing on shatter first, Then the condition builds later be best?

I'm honestly still learning some of the basics (like reliably performing the burst stun combo) . I had a guild member tell me that "hiding between clones" is the beginning of really learning the class.

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