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Azure/Icy Dragon Slayer weapons

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Hello, I apologized if this has been answered before, I looked for it and could not find it, not here nor in wiki. 

1- I want to craft the Icy Dragon Slayer weapons. Do I have to craft first the Azure versions of those?

2- But the npc in The Eye of the North wont sell these recipes to me, it says I need to train "Blade of the Prophecy" mastery to be able to buy them (same with "Fiery Dragon Slayer" weapons recipes, asks me to train "Reins of Power" mastery), the thing is I have already maxed Mastery Tracks for everything except Raid related ones, So not sure why I cannot buy those.

3- Was thinking that maybe these azure/icy and crimson/fiery weapons recipes required me to craft all base Dragon Slayer weapons first (those recipes I was able to buy but havent craft them yet)? But wiki doesnt specify that so I dont wanna waste resources in a set i dont want unless it´s really needed, thats why Im asking here.


Thank you for any answers on this subject.

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1. Yes, the previous version must be crafted to unlock later ones

2. likely just a placeholder message which is displayed when lacking a specific prerequisite in order to purchase the recipe, in this case the earlier versions unlocks of these weapons

3. the exact chain is as follows:

Unlocking the skin of Dragon Slayer weapon of type XYZ  -> unlocks Azure and Crimson recipe for weapon of type XYZ as purchase. Unlocking the skin for Azure/Crimson Dragon Slayer weapon of type XYZ -> unlocks Icy or Fiery recipe's for weapons of type XYZ respectively for purchase

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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1 hour ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

1. Yes, the previous version must be crafted to unlock later ones

2. likely just a placeholder message which is displayed when lacking a specific prerequisite in order to purchase the recipe, in this case the earlier versions unlocks of these weapons

3. the exact chain is as follows:

Unlocking the skin of Dragon Slayer weapon of type XYZ  -> unlocks Azure and Crimson recipe for weapon of type XYZ as purchase. Unlocking the skin for Azure/Crimson Dragon Slayer weapon of type XYZ -> unlocks Icy or Fiery recipe's for weapons of type XYZ respectively for purchase

Thank you very much, that solves my doubts.

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