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Affinitus Nemus wants you! ;) [NA] [VC: Discord]

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🌲Affinitus Nemus wants you!😉

First of all, I would like to introduce myself. People call me Tash and I am one of the people who created this community, so who better than me to help you get to know us and convince you that we are what you are missing in your life.

Now the quickest way I can think of getting you on the right track into seeing what kind of guild/group we are, is by sending you to our Google Site, because I don't have enough money to spend on getting our own website. On there you can find a collection of information about us and some highlights of our silly moments from both in and out of Guild Wars!


"But I don't want to look at a website!" Well, you are in luck, in the spoiler box below I can give you a brief summary of the more GW2 related details about us.


So you opened the box huh?

Let's get to know about AFNM then!

The name loosely translates to Unity Grove to represent friendships that I hope people will make.

We’re trying to be more than just a guild, but a gaming community that can bring people together and provide lasting friendships. Thus, we are typically highly active on Discord (Text and Voice chat)

We are not the biggest group of WvW players but when we do, we play on Gate of Madness aka GOM which is on the NA servers.

PvE is something many of our players enjoy and are willing to join anyone to help when asked to.

Dungeons, Fractals and Strikes are all on the list of things our strongest players can do easily and are willing to teach.

We have a few players who have completed raids and have taken some groups on some of the easier ones. It takes us time to get there but we always do our best to make it fun.

Guild Bonding is something I value immensely, so I try to dedicate time to guild missions to bring everyone together and to help people get that special guild loot!

Warning: We swear and can be a bit crude for some people, we know that isn’t for everyone but it’s who we are.


If you are ready to join us, you can follow the link below to go to our Discord!



If you have any questions, shout at me below and I will do my best to answer ASAP!




1. We are on the North American Servers, you will not be able to join us at all for activities if you are on the European Servers.

2. Within NA, we are on the Gate of Madness server. You can still play with us for PVE and PVP content due to the Megaserver. You subserver is only relevant for WVW.


Edits, Etc:

1. I do not know why the first spoiler text box is so misaligned but it’s fine!

2. Got told to change my name, as being called Hells would be a lie even though it's my username.


Edited by hellsqueen.3045
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