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Hello Anet,

If you read this i would like to share with you my opinion about GW2 pvp. 

First i would like to start with that in my opinion GW2 is a great MMORPG , it is designed to respect players time and allows players to focus on what they want to do instead of forcing them into content they dont want to do, I really love that about the game. I am playing about 5 mounts and i am mainly doing pvp, the class design is very interesting , the combat is unique and very engaging. I love learning different classes and builds. Overall for me GW2 is one of the best mmorpgs which i have played (the list of mmorpgs which i played during my 20 years of experience with the genre is long), congratulations for that. Here i wish to point out some things which i believe could be improved in future.

1. Class balance - in my opinion the class balance is very very decent (much better than the balance i have seen in other mmos), but there are classes which are overloaded with stuff (necro for example), while there are some which are very simplified as warrior for example.  In my opinion more frequent balance tuning should be done which will also keep people more engaged with pvp.

2. Stealth mechanic - in my opinion stealth mechanic is not well design in GW2 , stealth in general is very uninteractive mechanic with not much counterplay, so allowing classes to do their full burst from stealth without any drawback that they do it from stealth is not good in my opinion. If you give this classes to much dmg they easily become OP, if they don't have enough dmg they are just on the low end, so in my opinion if stealth is reworked to be a bit more interactive or to have drawbacks when damage is used in stealth it will allow actually classes which rely heavily on stealth to become more interesting and interactive and easier to balance. 

3. Match making manipulating - the match making system promotes match manipulating and should be improved in my opinion. I made another thread with more details on where i believe is the problem.

4. Win trading, afking - there are many situations where people just AFK in the beginning of the match , because they dont think the game is winnable or because they are wintrading, in both cases this people should be punished for their actions. Since your report system does not have any notification back if the reported cased is even looked at this leaves the impression in the community that you  (ANET) dont do much about people which are braking the rules in such way, people do this because they feel that they will not be punished at all.

5. PvP Modes - i love 5v5 conquest, but i also really like deathmatch offseasons, in my opinion more modes should be added into the game , because different people like different stuff. Some people prefer to play only conquest , other prefer to play only deathmatch, waiting week/months to play the game mode which you enjoy the most is not good in my opinion , thats why i believe more modes should be added permanently. In my opinion they can be added first only in unranked to see how many people will play them consistently and if that number is good then they can be added in ranked too.

6. Bots - In EU  during the hours i play i dont see much bots, but still in my opinion some serious actions should be considered against botting. Its same here as match manipulating, people do it because they can profit from it and get away unpunished. 

If more things come in my mind i will add them later. 

Best regards and stay healthy!

Edited by razaelll.8324
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5 minutes ago, MoonBootz.8390 said:

I love your entire comment, @razaelll.8324. i play in the u.s. and see AFKers, cheats, and bots in the majority of ranked matches i play in. i invite a guildmate into a party whenever possible because it really does seem to cut down on those *$#@!^$#%. i have a video of a cheater respawning in the same exact spot they were killed, just a second or two after they were "Finished." there is another player i see in matches every single day who stands at spawn most of the match, every. single. time. they don't even change character's or names. it's just so freaking blatant. other players and myself have reported them but they still show up every day, ruining everyone else's game experience. i love gw2 also which is why the botting problem is so incredibly infuriating. i LOVELOVE GW2 pvp but have begun searching for other structured pvp options 😢

I understand you, maybe you should try your ping in EU , because from my experience this problems are much more rare in EU.


I really hope Anet start addressing this issues, becuase they can be game braking.

Edited by razaelll.8324
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i love your entire comment, @razaelll.8324. i would only add to your statement by stressing the botting problem. i play in the u.s. and see bots, cheats, and AFKers in the majority of matches played, when i can't get a guildmate to join me. i have a recording of a player respawning in the same spot he was "Finished," just a few seconds later. i see the same AFKer every day, even though myself and other players reported them. they don't even change toons or names. it  is just so freaking blatant, they are there every day, ruining everyone else's game experience. i love gw2 also which is what makes the botting problem so incredibly infuriating. i LOVELOVE gw2 pvp but started researching other structured pvp options :'(

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