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Bug - Weaver Air-Earth attunement bug? or was that intended feature?

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I'm currently playing condi weaver, with most of my rotation starting attunement setup being Air-Earth for the engage, while doing this, I noticed something when combined with mounts (Only tested with raptor since I only had that).

A fresh swap to Air-Earth attunement directly going onto mount, will result in bugged weapon skills, where Air-Earth supposedly give 1,2 Air skills 3 Air-Earth Dual skill and 4,5 Earth skill, as opposed to that, I see 1,2,4,5 being Air skills and 3 being Air-Earth Dual Skill.

I tested this theory with other attunement setups, however I am unable to replicate this issue, only Air-Earth specifically is able to replicate this issue reliably.


Steps to replicate

1) Swap to any other Earth-x attunement, then Air-Earth Attunement

2) Immediately hop onto raptor.

3) Get off raptor either by tail spin or just normal dismount.


Things I've Tested

As far as I have tested, all other attunement setups DO NOT cause this, it is strictly Air-Earth attunement setup.

I have also tested other weapons as well despite my main weapon set being Sword-Focus. Sword-Dagger, Staff which I've tested do also react that way.



Here. A GIF I've recorded that shows how it's done or what I'm talking about.


I don't think it's intended (Or maybe it is?) but it looks pretty 'fishy' for me, so I'll post it as a bug entry.

It's been bugging me for a while (geddit? bugging? no?) now since I usually kill a pack of mobs, swap back to Air-Earth attunement then immediately mount to get to the next location as it is faster that way.

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Just tested this with all the mounts I have: it worked with raptor, springer, skimmer, jackal and roller beetle, but it didn't work with skyscale for me, tried multiple times. I don't have griffon yet.

I also checked other attunement combinations, and they worked as well, at least with fire-water and air-fire I was able to reproduce it multiple times.

I tested only with sword-dagger.

I'm sure it isn't intended.

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3 hours ago, gelnor.9265 said:

Just tested this with all the mounts I have: it worked with raptor, springer, skimmer, jackal and roller beetle, but it didn't work with skyscale for me, tried multiple times. I don't have griffon yet.

I also checked other attunement combinations, and they worked as well, at least with fire-water and air-fire I was able to reproduce it multiple times.

I tested only with sword-dagger.

I'm sure it isn't intended.

Nice! I'll go retest it again for other attunement combinations, could be that I'm on the bias that Air-Earth being what I normally use I didn't test others enough.

Thanks for testing it out with other mounts, it's getting a bit annoying for this bug.

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