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Right-hand strength trait


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Hey, so just came back to gw2 after a long pause and had a look at the new trait system...

So I like to use one handed sword on guardian, but the trait buffing it is oddly misplaced in the radiance trait line. The sword has by far the most number of attacks in its auto-attack line making it the least desirable weapon to actually activate virtue 1 with. Now radiance forces 2 traits centered on virtue 1 activation on me.

Wouldnt it make more sense to swap place of that trait with one the slower weapons traits (like mace or hammer)? Or am I missing some obvious combination potentials?

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1 hour ago, TheRealGorthaur.1796 said:

The sword has by far the most number of attacks in its auto-attack line making it the least desirable weapon to actually activate virtue 1 with.


Well the same line provides perk that resets the cooldown of F1 on kill meaning that in optimal case you are not loosing all that much.


Also right hand strenght also provides the buff to all one handed weapons (not only to sword) which includes scepter, and in case of firebrands - axe.


And in case you were rolling this as a firebrand you can flat out ignore the issue of passive going on cooldown thanks to that grandmaster trait that allows you to keep passives up when virtues are on cd. 

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