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Everything posted by Trejgon.9367

  1. I will take a moment to point out, that with correct settings on both relevant options, what you get is full quality model, for a handful of people you do see, and everyone else will just disappear completely (outside of nameplates if you keep them toggled to always show. Should be enough to limit amount of bikinis you see for sure.
  2. It is always a good sign, when the post starts with name-calling :) I have specifically looked up the post you were referring to, and frankly? no that list is not at all long, and definitely not "very long". And what it also is not, is a comparison to any other class. What it is tho, is a definite response to why claim of Mel that ranger has no defences on skills was false. Except when it doesn't? Again your list is quite short. And does not even delve into what exact kind of defences are in chunk of the entries. Class mechanic vs single weapon, is no class to class comparision. Your "invitation" would be more accurate if your statement invited to read couple more posts, not couple more sentences, and even then it would fall short to respond to inquiry for comparison, in direct response to your claim that ranger is "packed full of defences". Considering your later claims that somehow the amount of defensive tools ranger has is supposed to shame most of other classes, a request for direct fair class-to-class comparison (not just arbitrary class mechanic vs arbitrary weapon choice) to support your claims seems to be warranted, and hardly a "taunt". That is pretty much all I had to say on this subject, if you decide to continue behaving like this to avoid propping up your claims properly, do not expect me to answer that.
  3. "few more lines" that did no comparision, just more of broad statements on how you feel the class is like. Nothing to fit criteria of what Bastrii was specifically asking about.
  4. I am yet to meet umbriel at all, but to be fair I am only averaging one convergence a week recently....
  5. Tbh that was not so obvious, with Taimi's reaction to jade powering the jade tech being like "oh and here I am using, *technobabble for asuran power source* as if it was previous century". Taimi dialogue does alot to sell jade tech as superior to asuran tech, tho one could argue if it is to be taken at face value, considering it comes from, well, taimi.
  6. Didn't meet Umbriel yet so cannot comment on that one, but I am doing convergences in public, and had Sorrow yesterday and we had no issue with it, no tag no coordination.
  7. That implies there was a change I completely missed to rallying in wvw xD
  8. That reminds me of that ancient times, when people were unironically suggesting to use soldier stat in wvw for zerg to "not die as much". About last time I remember the advise of that particular stat to be anyhow remotely popular.
  9. The closest to official statement from AN we've got (and are ever going to get really) is that they are always evaluating options going for the future. The exec that yapped GW3 on that investor meeting while going super defensive over accusation of NCSoft West being in red for some time now, also clarified in later interview, that it was in some sort of early investigative stage for what it could be in the first place in later interview.
  10. People without skyscale got perma rental on SotO maps from just clearing relevant story introduction. The new friend collection was specifically to unlock skyscale (with it's new abilities from new masteries) to the rest of regions in the game.
  11. undead? not really, unless you count gw1 based npc galrath the undying (where "the undying" is the kind of title there, not some sort of species, and before he went undead he was normie human.)
  12. I'd say that's purely gameplay feature.
  13. Throne room fight if I understand correctly it's in the background observing. Very easy to miss.
  14. This might hint at a misunderstanding of mechanics there - weaponmaster training and expanded weapon proficienices are account unlocks, so you only need to meet the achievement criteria once to get it on whole account, and to my knowledge you can start each of the quarterly story drop without finishing preceeding mainline SotO story chapters (outside of the wvw method).
  15. But you see, all the builds I ever brought to it are condi.... and in all the runs I did so far I was doing rifts too. Not sure about "10 or so people" part, because whole encounter is such sensory overload I have no idea who is where and what they are doing at any time. Dead people I can spot mostly due to the fact that their icon contrasts with the background area and effects in the fight. last time I checked Legolas never tried to be under demonic butt, which is where the bodies were that I saw. Anyway all of that is mildly off the topic there which was the subject of how exactly Eparch is anyhow spider connected, so here is that: among of the stretchy arguments of his appearance in the meta being somewhat spider-like, is the attack he does in all of his appearances being somewhat web-like.
  16. You would be surprised how many people die to the web-rift and the waves spam, but if those indeed do not hit inside his hitbox, then I guess I could see where all the "he does no damage at all" crowd comes from 🙂 That being said tho, I did see a number of corpses directly below him on some encounters so dunno what killed them if his attacks don't connect there. The pattern is more visible in the story/fractal versions of him tho - since you know there is less visual noise of everything else there, and he is in his smaller form tho.
  17. On one side yes, on another side, some people keeps pushing that idea that average player has a "build" like that, or otherwise mismatched stats and seemingly random traits if any traits equipped at all.
  18. My personal only request to guardian pistol would be for symbol of ignition to be actually shot into the ground from pistol instead of being off-hand-waived into existance. I care little if it's still forced under my feet, or ground targeted (could be probably more flexible if it was ground targeted like scepter symbol tho... not sure if the limitation of it's placement was meant to be balancing factor to how much burning it can give off when you get enemies into it tho.) Disclaimer: I did not use offhand pistol like, at all, hence I cannot provide any insight on the issues of design of offhand pistol skills.
  19. Well from his perspective they are just powerful magical entities from the mists that invaded his turf, so it would check out the definition of "not really a god" 😉 Abouth Peitha's lines, when Eparch shows up in spider form, one of NPCs reacts with something along the lines of "what did Eparch turn into", and Peitha responds with something along the lines of "that's what he always were", which would imply that in meta we fight his true form? His signature attack is a web-pattern on the floor that damages people on it.... which is about as much of a stretch as his form in the meta encounter 🙂
  20. The concept of people legitimatelly trying to farm the big meta events, while in stat mismatched greens on lvl 80 characters still kinda blows my mind. Like, the game spams you with rares when you run those things, and if you don't use those rares from thos drops to turn them into materials and gold... what are you doing with this gold to not get anyhow better gear?
  21. I see I guess I must have missed that detail when I was there 🙂
  22. Where and when do we see Kryptis corrupting waypoints? There are also non-asuran alternatives - jade waypoints in Cantha, and Astral waypoints in SotO areas.
  23. Is it a question about why players refer to it this way, or question about naming in the game? Because Meta's name in the game is "Into the Spider's Lair", so that would explain why players are referring to it as Spider (name of meta) Eparch (name of final boss). Cannot say much on why exactly it is named like that.
  24. "any" - firstly, there have been alot more suggestions on this particular subforum that was widely ignored, secondly, the retreat rename have been asked for in different forms for *years* before the change was actually done.
  25. That I find mildly weird, because it's core mechanic favours greatly zerg fights (and on release it used to be strongest there, dunno if anything changed there).
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