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Reworking the way legendary weapons work


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With the introduction of the much welcomed legendary armoury, every weapon has its own back story that makes the weapon special for lore reasons. GW2 has been my favourite MMORPG for a while now and I find that the thing it's missing most is the impact of a legendary weapon.   I propose that ANET add a unqiue passive trait to the legendary weapons. For example:

Please note that: these are concepts only and ofc there will be some balancing that needs to be done. My objective here is it add another flavour into the combat in game. ANET does not have to add any of these, their trait ideas can be more simple and less impactful if need be. 

    • Twilight: every 3rd hit applies torment, after defeating enemy by twilight absorbs health from enemy, after beating a elite mob or a boss or a raid/strike boss, the enemy sinks into the galactic void
    • Sunrise: every 3rd hit applies additional might after defeating an enemy by sunrise gain a small health barrier, after beating a elite mob or a boss or a raid/strike boss, the enemy sinks into the dawn of light
    • Eternity: Eternity would take effect depending on which form of blade (twilight or sunrise) will create an affect. 
    • Bolt: after striking the enemy and critically hitting, gain a small burst of attack speed stacks with quickness 
    • The Howler: after using healing skill, cleanse team conditions and grant alacrity 
    • The Minstrel: after using supporting abilities, grant up to 10 members 3 boons 
    • The Dreamer: Every 6th hit from the weapon will add confusion on the enemy, this is an additive proc to other conditions 
    • Flame seeker Prophecy: every condition proc will add a burn proc as an extra. 
    • The Bifrost: Every 9th attack summons a clone which lasts for 3 seconds, uses 3% of owners dmg
    • Frost Fang: every third attack applies chill unto enemy
    • Incinerator: every 3rd attack applies burning unto enemy 
    • The juggernaut: after Every 6th hit, give the user a barrier 
    • Kudzu: every 3rd attack applies poison
    • Meteorlogicus: after using all scepter abilities, summer a small meteor doing damage unto the enemy. 
    • The Moot: every 3rd attack from moot cleanses and adds quickness buff 
    • The predator: Every 3rd attack from the predator grants user "thrill of the hunt" buff increasing damage done by an additional 2%, buff lasts for 4 seconds
    • Quip: Every 6th hit from quip grants the user Surprise! buff giving increased attack speed and applying additional vulnerability debuff making the enemy take .5% more damage. Buff lasts for 2 seconds
    • Rodgort: after using torch skills and reaching thresh hold of 8 burning stacks, Rodgort unleashes fiery wrath and unlocks additional torch skills. 
    • Astralaria: Every 3rd hit lowers a random skill cd by 2 seconds. 
    • Binding of Ipos: Every 3rd hit applies torment and curses enemy to take additional damage from attackers,  1% extra damage  
    • Chuka and Champawat: every 3rd hit applies "eye of the tiger" buff unto user increasing might and quickness while giving enemy grievous wounds causing the target to get bleed stack for every hit registered. 
    • Claw of Khan-Ur: Every two hits applies 1 additional stack of  bleeding and poison unto enemy 
    • Eureka: every 5th hit Grants user the tinkerer buff increasing attack speed and lowering cool down of longest cd skill by 7 seconds
    • Exordium: Every 3rd hit applies additional might and applies the buff "blade master" dealing increased damage the longer the user has the weapon active. blade master buff increases .5 per tick stacking to 5% maximum damage increase
    • Flames of war: Every burning on enemy is amplified by 2 additional ticks, after reaching 20 stacks of burning, grants user "Wrath of war" buff and increases burn damage by an additional 2% 
    • The HMS Divinity: Every hit from rifle inflicts bleeding and places debuff "sworn enemy" causing target to take 4% more damage and grants user super speed for 7 seconds, cannot recur again for the next 10 seconds 
    • HOPE: hitting an marks the target reducing damage they do to user by 5% and grants the user "Last stand" which reduces all damage taken by user by 15% when below 50% health. 
    • Nevermore: Hitting an enemy with a staff ability grants the enemy "To your end" debuff causes enemy to take 5% more damage, once the enemy reaches below 20% health thresh hold, places debuff "Misery is your only company!" causing the enemy to take 10% more damage to a total of 15% damage increase from user only. 
    • Pharus: After every 3rd hit of the weapon, call down a beam of a light doing extra damage to all that are caught in the path
    • Sharur: Every 3rd hit drops a sigil on the ground damaging enemies standing on top 
    • The Shining Blade: Every 3rd attack causes confusion on target and give the enemy a debuff "blindsided" causing all damage done by user to stack and copy damage within 2 second window. Then unleash the tick dealing damage copied. This effect can only occur every 15 seconds
    • Shooshadoo: Having Shooshadoo equipped grants user and nearby members damage mitigation of 1.5% stacking to 5%. Addtionaly, Shooshadoo user below 10% health will trigger "FEEL NO PAIN" the user cannot go below 5% health for 7 seconds. affect can only occur after every 50 seconds 
    • Verdarach:  Healing and warhorn skills grants the team "For Valor" increasing attack speed and cleanses conditions
    • Xiuquatl: Every 3rd attack poisons target, after reaching 15 stacks, summons pet flying quettzal to assist in combat, last 20 seconds, affect can only occur once every 25 seconds 



  • Let me know what everyone thinks of this, if they would replace something, what will it be and for what? I hope ANET staff finds this! I sincerely wish well for this game and want it to survive another 10 years!

Thank you for reading my post!

Edited by TheArq.9861
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