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[NA][Raid] Recruiting for Social "Raid Cadre" Guild


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The Expedition [XP] is a social raid "cadre" guild of North American raiders waiting for End of Dragons. Many of us have hardcore raiding backgrounds, either in Guild Wars, WoW: Shadowlands, or FFXIV: Shadowbringers. However, we raid together in GW2 just to relax raid with a consistent group of people and hang out socially with each other as a guild while we wait it out for 2022's expac release.


We can be considered "midcore" raid guild -- we expect everybody to come prepared without needing boss/wing explanations, but our weekly scheduling system accommodates RL schedule conflicts and occasional absences. In situations that our raid leaders have conflicts, we ask for substitute raid leaders, or just downgrade to T4 fractals or story achievements with those who did sign up as 'Available.'


If you are interested in applying, please send me a private message on these forums with more information about yourself, raid history, and what you are looking for. Please include your MAIN CLASS that you like to play (not a list of what you can play... what you ENJOY playing). We will schedule you for a Mon/Tues or Fri/Sat weekly raid session and will need to raid with you on both nights before invite to see if you mesh with our group and if you can perform to the competency that you claim. Please respond via PMs only, as direct replies to this posting might possibly be missed.

Who are we recruiting:

Mid-Core "Experienced" Static Recruitment

- Fri/Sat, 10:30p to 1:00a+ EDT, 2.5-3 hour sessions
- Typically PoF wings or spicy CM progression

Recruiting 2 spots. Priority needs:

  1. BS Warrior (power & condi)
  2. Qadim Kiter (Q1 adds, QtP pylons)
  3. DPS Main with Backup Druid (for when Main Druid is out)
  4. DPS Main with Backup Alacrity or RR


- North American, 21+ yrs old
- Sociable: Active on Discord (both text and voice channels); LGTBQ+ friendly
- Experienced: Knows fights, Fully ascended/legendary gear
- Class Mastery: Knows how to adjust meta builds/roles for sake of [XP] team comp
- Camaraderie: Flexible with raid changes/cancellations, but still socializes/hangs out with guildies
- Helpful: Willing and patient enough to help/wipe with newer/junior raiders or achievement/CM progression



"Casual-Core" Roster Recruitment

- Mon/Tues, 9:00p to 10:30p EDT, 1.5-2 hour sessions
- Typically HoT wing reclears or "Progresison-to-Kill" runs for newer raiders


- North American, 21+ yrs old

- Sociable: Active on Discord (both text and voice channels); LGTBQ+ friendly
- GW2 Competency: No GW2 raid experience required, but still need to know GW2 combat and dps rotations
- Raid Mentality: Reads up on bosses before raid; Exotic+ gear for power and condi DPS
- Camaraderie: Flexible with raid changes/cancellations, but still socializes/hangs out with guildies
- Helpful: Willing and patient enough to help/wipe with newer/junior raiders


  • Per usual, our guild does not condone harassment and is both LGBTQ+ and culturally friendly. We DEFEINITLY joke around and tease each other out of friendship and fun; however, nobody has been intentionally offensive and we encourage people to confront each other and speak up if and when they feel uncomfortable.

  • We welcome people who are in other guilds, other statics, or even other MMOs, but we expect you to stay active and socialize with our raid community at least on Discord. Even if you cannot make raid times every week, your Discord activity will help show your commitment to our community.

  • Hardcore GW2 players need to leave any "GW2 elitist/meta culture" at the door and must be able to adjust to [XP] progression methods and strategies. Our team comp adjusts as necessary for our individual strengths/weaknesses. We’ve run into plenty of "GW2 elitists" who are fixed on their meta strats and cannot react or perform when asked to do old boss mechanics they are normally used to skipping.

  • We are NOT Snowcrows -- [XP] raid leadership style is rather relaxed and we adjust for teammates who are still learning. We still look for competent builds/performance and will give honest criticism when mechanics are being failed. We expect members to learn and understand how builds work, and not just copy-paste meta builds and press buttons off a guide.

Edited by Zigity.9685
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