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Can't Use Level 80 Boost From PoF Purchase

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Yes, I know there's bug with DELIVERY of this item:


"We have temporarily disabled the ability to purchase Black Lion Instant Level 80 Tickets, as well as packages containing the item, in order to address an ongoing issue."


but this isn't to do with me, I'm not trying to BUY one I HAVE one, had it for weeks, so why is mine locked-out due to this EoD launch item bug?


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2 hours ago, Kraggy.4169 said:

Yes, I know there's bug with DELIVERY of this item:


"We have temporarily disabled the ability to purchase Black Lion Instant Level 80 Tickets, as well as packages containing the item, in order to address an ongoing issue."


but this isn't to do with me, I'm not trying to BUY one I HAVE one, had it for weeks, so why is mine locked-out due to this EoD launch item bug?


From the 'Dev Tracker' and 'News and Announcements':



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Kind of beggars belief that these items which have existed for literally years somehow got bugged into a state where it seems very dangerous to fix them.


Anet:  like simply back-out the change which you seem to have ineptly made to something that had worked for years before you fiddled with it for EoD?

Edited by Kraggy.4169
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