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Please Evaluate my PvP Build


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Hey long time veteran who never really played warrior. One of my hobbies is theory crafting off-meta builds and I really feel like I am on to something with this one. Can you give me suggestions on how to improve it?


This is an anti-cc berserker build that I have played in unranked with varying amounts of success. I'm thinking of swapping to lynx runes as I don't get the extra movement speed from Discipline. Personally I feel it shines in team fights where it has more opportunity to build rage and stunbreak. Its biggest weakness being if you get hard focused you can't do much about it, which I think is a weakness warrior has in general anyway.

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I'm going to point out muh credentials so I can say I'm speaking from experience. I main warrior in SPvP. Even now when it's in a bad state I still main it. I've got Ruthless Legend and Baron of the Arena to back up my claim.

First and foremost you're building warrior for something it innately by core design is bad at. Warrior isn't meant for team fighting in a practical sense. Berserker is a team fighter yes but it's drawbacks prevent it from being a GOOD option. It's a meme to run when you're bored. The damage it can dish out is stellar but only if you sacrifice sustain. Not doing so leaves you with comparable damage to a spellbreaker but with none of the consistency due to too long gaps in F1 skills and utter predictability when you're in berserk.

You're using eternal champion but calling the build an anti-cc build. An anti-cc build wouldn't need to be CCed in the first place to deny being CCed. Your only other form of stability is stomp and that's situational unless you intend to open with it. Berserker cannot afford to be interrupted during it's damage window. CC/Blinds shuts down Berserk mode hard. Your build is built on survival instead of capitalizing on berserk making it nearly pointless. You would be better off as core or SB.

To make Berserker worth taking over the other specs if only for the memes you must commit to the only thing Berserker does well. Put out heinous damage and build to guarantee your delivery of damage before the enemy wises up and kills you for the sitting duck you are.

TryStr: Restorative Strength - Forceful Greatsword - Berserkers PowerArms: Signet Mastery - Sundering Burst - Burst PrecisionBerserker: Savage Instinct - Blood Reaction - Bloody Roar

Valkyire Amulet, Rune of Eagle

Greatsword - Exploitation/CompoundingRifle - Exploitation/Seperation

Blood Reckoning - Signet of Fury - Dolyak Signet - Berserker Stance - Headbutt

Enter combat - Sig of Fury - Berserk next an enemy to proc all 3 stacks of Berserker's Power - Berserkers Stance - Dolyak Signet - GS F1 - Blood Reckoning - GS F1 - Headbutt - Gunflame. From there retreat and skirmish with rifle until you can rinse and repeat.

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