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Suggestion : Dishonor players that sit in spawn?


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Do you think there is anyway for anet to implement a afk/dishonor players who sit in spawn all match? Since players skirt around the automatic afk detection by moving every few seconds. Couldn't you assign the entire spawn area to detect a players that haven't left spawn in 90 seconds, instead of using idle positioning?

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Whenever I see a post like this, I try to think of a solution. Then I read the solution out loud, and I'll pretend I am someone else with the job of finding problems with the solution.A little back and forth between the two "me"s, and I find that problems like these are as simple as one may think at first.


Players must leave spawn within 30 seconds.

  • Okay, and the players who want to afk, will just leave spawn. This has done nothing

Players must move at least x.x distance from originating spot, or make contact/be contacted with enemy, or capture objective, or aid ally at least once every 30 secs.

  • Even bots designed to throw can do this

Well, allow the players to vote whether or not the accused should get dishonor, it should be unanimous

  • Imagine, especially at higher levels, how this would be abused. The better players could be voted out of games by cheats wanting to move up, yes they are that common

Players should be ready to play if they queue! Otherwise do not kitty queue!

  • Unfortunately the living organisms called humans are the most populous force playing this game, and the unexpected will sometimes arise. Have you not seen the forum post where some feel the dishonor penalty is too high?

You give it a shot, and pretend you are shooting down someone else's idea. Be amazed at how hard you can be at shutting down your own ideas.

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@"Crab Fear.1624" said:Whenever I see a post like this, I try to think of a solution. Then I read the solution out loud, and I'll pretend I am someone else with the job of finding problems with the solution.A little back and forth between the two "me"s, and I find that problems like these are as simple as one may think at first.


Players must leave spawn within 30 seconds.

  • Okay, and the players who want to afk, will just leave spawn. This has done nothing

Players must move at least x.x distance from originating spot, or make contact/be contacted with enemy, or capture objective, or aid ally at least once every 30 secs.

  • Even bots designed to throw can do this

Well, allow the players to vote whether or not the accused should get dishonor, it should be unanimous

  • Imagine, especially at higher levels, how this would be abused. The better players could be voted out of games by cheats wanting to move up, yes they are that common

Players should be ready to play if they queue! Otherwise do not kitty queue!

  • Unfortunately the living organisms called humans are the most populous force playing this game, and the unexpected will sometimes arise. Have you not seen the forum post where some feel the dishonor penalty is too high?

You give it a shot, and pretend you are shooting down someone else's idea. Be amazed at how hard you can be at shutting down your own ideas.

Yeah, but at the same time you are presenting ideas unrelated to my initial suggestion.

I rather have them sit out spawn, and actively need to monitor their position, than alt-tab, browse reddit for a few seconds and come back. Make afk'ing tedious as possible.

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@"rwolf.9571" said:

Yeah, but at the same time you are presenting ideas unrelated to my initial suggestion.

I rather have them sit out spawn, and actively need to monitor their position, than alt-tab, browse reddit for a few seconds and come back. Make afk'ing tedious as possible.

So they have to leave spawn. This may or may not get them killed by the enemy player. Set the game to windowed and scroll over it every once in a while to see if you died and need to leave spawn again.Now its still a 4 v 5 but the other team that makes the occasional kill on the afk racks up even more points.I guess getting the game over quicker is a good thing.

Considering that this game mode is meant to be competitive and active I suggest the following:

  • 30 seconds max for inactivity. Within this time the player must have moved x distance, or used a skill, or captured a point/ressed an ally.
  • For each warning the player receives a mark, and 3 marks is booted from the current match.
  • The remaining for will not lose any rank points, the booted will lose double
  • The booted player will receive double dishonor stacks for afk, because 3 warning were given and it was obviously intentional
  • 20 seconds to leave spawn maximum

"But, these are really harsh rules, what if something comes up:"If you have to pee/poo before a match, don't queue.If you have a pizza on the way, don't queue.If it's almost time to feed the dog, the baby, your plant....don't queue.If you are close to having a panic attack/mental breakdown, don't queue.If you are expecting a phone call, ect, don't queue.

If you are so sociable that you always get calls, people dropping by, packages being delievered...is GW2 pvp a hobby you really care about? Don't queue....

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No point in doing this TBH. The people that sit in spawn will just find another way to effectively AFK, if this were implemented.

The majority of them don't even leave their keyboard, they just sit in spawn when they've given up. If you make them auto get dishonor for sitting in spawn for X time, they'll just find another way to make it a 4v5. Like running around the map not doing anything.

It's really just one of those things that needs a proper punishment, like soft PvP bans, or something along those lines. But it is very resource-intensive to implement properly.

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