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[Forum] Dismissed Sticky Threads Reinstated As Sticky - Option To Dismiss Sticky Threads Removed

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Some time in the last few hours, all announcement/sticky threads that had been manually 'dismissed'/made to no longer be sticky have all been made sticky once again. That's ok as they could be made non-sticky again via the 'Options' gear on the threads. However, the 'Options' gear appears to have been disabled/removed so all announcement/sticky threads will remain so.

I was very pleased to see that the new forums offered the ability to members to 'unsticky' sticky threads that were no longer needed, of interest or were no longer of any importance.

I really hope that the removal of the 'Options' gear on sticky posts and the reinstating of all unstickied posts to again being forever stickied is not intentional and that this customization feature will be reinstated as soon as it can be.

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Yep I recently noticed the absence of this option as well. I'd marked many sticky threads as dismissed as I already read them and they just clutter up the page. Today I noticed that option is missing and all the sticky threads I dismissed are back stuck at the top. Before that the sticky threads I had dismissed only showed up as normal threads if someone posted to them. Now they are all back up there as sticky threads with no option to dismiss them. I too hope it is a bug as I don't care for the clutter of sticky threads I have read and no longer care to follow taking up a significant portion of the page.

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