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Posts posted by Brynioch.1873

  1. @Sigmoid.7082 said:

    @"steki.1478" said:How come raid accessibility wasnt a problem when HoT was fresh but now it's somehow a big deal?Of course it
    a problem. Anet even admitted that (somewhere after 2nd wing release if i remember correctly). It just wasn't a problem to

    Not it was not and ArenaNet never said anything about accessibility.

    The lead raid designer did say that accessibility from a grouping perspective "could be better" but its not an easy problem to solve:

    @"Crystal Reid.2481" said:Could they be more accessible from a "finding 9 other players to play with" side? Sure. That isn't always an easy problem to solve, and any solution would detract away from the team making more raid content. We'd love to get more content out to you guys faster really.

    There will be no easy mode and ArenaNet doesn't want difficulty scales in raids.You're right here. From the same quote:We won't be adding a different difficulty tier at this time. Raids need to continue to remain the most challenging content in the game, and they aren't designed to be accessible by everyone from a skill perspective.

    It may be old but considering it looks like the philosophy hasnt changed; its still valid.

    Yeah never was not right, but at that point which Astral mentioned was about releasing raids without open world part and not about raids are bad.

  2. @Astralporing.1957 said:

    @steki.1478 said:How come raid accessibility wasnt a problem when HoT was fresh but now it's somehow a big deal?Of course it
    a problem. Anet even admitted that (somewhere after 2nd wing release if i remember correctly). It just wasn't a problem to

    Not it was not and ArenaNet never said anything about accessibility. They said it was a problem to release 3 raid wings in a row without LS or open world content. That's why they bound the next 3 wings to LS chapters. And they will release an open world area with the next raid. There will be no easy mode and ArenaNet doesn't want difficulty scales in raids. The effort they are making to release an additional open world part so all players get something with that release clearly shows their stance.

  3. @gateless gate.8406 said:Simple solution to increasing raid participation:

    1. Remove all enrage/auto-fail timers. This allows for much more variance in composition, reduces kick rates, and is much more in-line with GW2's design philosophy.If you wipe due the enrage timer permenently, you have a lot of other problems. They are pretty generous with the exception of Twin Largos.
    2. Make the standard (non-CM) fights slightly easier. In particular, remove boss spells that apply responsibility randomly (Sabetha launch bombs, for example). Random responsibility means that 100% of the group needs to know the fight and be good. This, along with the enrage timers, are the causes of raid gate-keeping/elitism.Sabetha Bombs are NOT random, you can control them completely. They target the person that stands most west.
    3. To make up for the easier non-CM fights, make the CM versions slightly more difficult and increase their rewards somewhat (triple gold, 20% more raid currency).

    Non-CM fights are pretty doable if you actually put some effort into it. For effortless auto-attacking is always open world your friend.

  4. @phs.6089 said:Imo the problem raids have in this game:

    1. No easy mod , with bit less damage or/and 1,2 boss mech removed, nerfed and reduced reward. Where people can go at own time, pug with people of same skill and learn mech.
    2. Raids aren't seasonal, vets know old raids, most of them don't have time to train new players. In seasonal games, new patch brings new instanced content and everyone is the same (new to that) go try their best to learn, starting from easy mod.

    If you ask me 5 man won't solve this, Maybe 12-14 man would? 5 men would be need to nerf so much that those bosses would became a joke, really.

    1. Remove mechanics so people can learn mechanics? This has been discussed for years now. This does not work und only acts as a tourist mode. You can't learn mechanics that are not present.

    2. No. This is one of the worst things ever happened to MMOs and one of the best things in GW2. Almost all content stays relevant the whole time. Also people don't start in easy mode when a new raid gets release. Easy mode comes weeks after the initial release. And in other groups you don't get accepted either in new raids with zero raid experience unless LFR.

  5. @NICENIKESHOE.7128 said:I thought their new fractals already included several raid mechanics and it's already the direction they're taking?

    Can we please stop labeling mechanics you have to do instead of ignoring everything and just smash the boss as 'raid mechanics'? Only because people prefer facetanking everything and collecting their loot mechanics don't become magically more difficult when you have to execute them.

  6. @Stand The Wall.6987 said:all they need is better rewards. anet nerfed them when fractals came out so people would play fractals. pretty horrible choice imo.

    Fractals were introduced November 2012, 3 months after release and long before dungeons prime time.Dungeons rewards were never better as of now even better than during that dungeon farm time which people consider their prime.

    Dungeons are dead. It's five years and people still can't get over it. They won't ever get changed and we won't see new dungeons. Just get over it already. You had 5 years.

  7. @phs.6089 said:

    @Miellyn.6847 said:Because raids are so dead and failed, why exactly did they announce another raid wing coming after the next LS story?

    That new raid was in development way before. lets see what would happened to raids after.

    You guys tell us that now for almost two years now. 'But raids are a failed experiment and the development will stop after the next raid wing'. Just look in the easy mode thread how often a similiar phrase shows up. There will be another raid wing after it.Get over it already, raids are part of PvE since HoT and won't go anywere in the forseeable future.

  8. @phs.6089 said:

    @phs.6089 said:

    @phs.6089 said:

    @phs.6089 said:

    @melandru.3876 said:no to fractal legendary armoryes to fractal armor skins both normal and gold

    there are allready 3 ways of gaining legendary armor, pve is covered by raids. don't need a fractal version aswell

    legendary should be "rare" not everyone and their mother having a full set and 8 weapons, they complelty lose their feeling that way

    PVE isn't covered by raids, not a big fun of silver and gold 2005 design.Rare? Why convenient item should be rare? Give me one good reason

    if everyone and their dog has legendary, then they are just ascended sets with shiny effects don't you think?it's a privilige to stat swap and swap runes at any given time. that privilige should be earned through effort, and dedication

    not because some people just want to have it aswell

    WvW and PvP sets beg to differ, go slak in wvw or afk in pvp and get it done.There is only one set in game has rights to be legendary by your opinion, it's shiny wvw legendary that one can get having lv 2000 in wvw.

    and raids, the true end-game of pveraids, the actual gamemode where stats matter more then wherever, and you'll sqap classes/builds on bosses as needed

    but because you don't care about raids, you try another waysay, what about dungeon legendary armor?

    of what for those people who finnish story on every character, they should get story-legendary armor.

    No, not raids, Raids armor can be bough thus making it on one line with afk pvp and slacking wvw armor

    then go slack wvw for 25 weeks and be done with it.remember the time i said "effort and dedication", well we have comeback to this point

    Stop telling me what to do and in return I won't tell you where you suppose to go.I remember times when top tier was BiS. And convenient items weren't locked on dead failed mods

    Because raids are so dead and failed, why exactly did they announce another raid wing coming after the next LS story?

  9. @Astralporing.1957 said:

    @phs.6089 said:I'm not ignoring anything. I'm just here trying to understand what is the problem with having easy raids, while game has made fractals are those model is way more successful.

    Fractals more successful than Raids? How do you figure that exactly?

    because the vast majority of gw players play fractals, a tiny shrinking minority play raids because its aimed at niche game play (min-maxing)

    The vast majority never set a foot in instanced content and never will.The difference of active fractal players vs raid players is actually not that large.Nowadays, yes, but that's only because constant increases to difficulty of fractals (in a way that wasn't fun at all) drove a lot of players out of it. The peak population of fractals however
    much, much greater than peak population of raids.And that was still much lower than peak population of
    .Which is hardly surprising.

    But still not a vast majority. The majority never cared about it. Stop trying to turn everything against raids even if it is just flat out wrong.
  10. @vesica tempestas.1563 said:

    @phs.6089 said:I'm not ignoring anything. I'm just here trying to understand what is the problem with having easy raids, while game has made fractals are those model is way more successful.

    Fractals more successful than Raids? How do you figure that exactly?

    because the vast majority of gw players play fractals, a tiny shrinking minority play raids because its aimed at niche game play (min-maxing)

    The vast majority never set a foot in instanced content and never will.The difference of active fractal players vs raid players is actually not that large.

  11. @Tiviana.2650 said:

    @Tiviana.2650 said:People want games to be fun and casual now..look at GW2! Its super casual all you got is the whole community thing, outside of that there isnt much going on once you did the stories. Well thats fine for socializing but in this day and age a good majority of people just want to dip in for a short time and then log out and do other things. They want to be able to get stuff done in a reasonable amount of time and get on with it. Not sit at a pc for hours on end.

    As for calling out wow for being casual..pot meet kettle imo.

    I think this actually something far greater then GW2. Look at MMOs now a days now compare that to MMOs 15 to 18 years ago. I played Everquest back in beta and the quality of life in that game was borderline abusive. Exp loss on death, no real solo play, travelling from point A to point B taking huge amounts of time. Then there was the leveling aspect, which took forever. Everquest didn’t give a kitten about your time. MMOs have been evolving from that point and are continuing to evolve. I think people are realizing that they spend 12+ hours on an MMO with no real return on their investment. I would literally spend hours spamming map chat for a group just to try to level a character and have nothing to show for it. WoW evolved from that genre and continues to evolve. Gw2 is also part of this same evolution. MMOs are changing, which might be upsetting to those used to the old days.

    It's not upsetting, it's literally seeing people demand mechanics which have proven hurtful to social and community development (similar to mega servers to a certain extent) because they want instant access, instant gratification and instant rewards.

    WoW over did this, the game literally imploded on over casualizing it's reward structure. WoW evolved its self out of a player base.

    There is a fine line between ease of use, and minim self effort. The question one needs to ask ones self is this: how much is healthy for a supposedly massive multiple game, and how much is going to far.

    LOL no wow lost some thats true, but they lost it because no one wanted to work on long rep grinds to unlock content in BfA. They lost it because people got salty over warmode and the faction zone battles, they got salty that their waifu sylvannas was a psychopath and blizzard finally showed that, they got mad their faction got whooped and a city burned to the ground, they got mad that they had to get out and play the game in the zones to move forward. BfA is harder than GW2, and yet wow still has a healthy population of players, i talk to my wow guildmates about once or twice a week, dont worry wow isnt dying.

    No. They didn't lose players over grind. They lost the majority because they cut the casual content like professions (still existing but completely useless outside of Alchemy, Herbalism, Fishing and Cooking; the professions needed for instanced content) out of the game because everyone now has access to instanced content and the real casual content is no longer needed. They used LFR and LFD to cut professions and open world content as all players have content to play but not necessarily content they enjoy.As Blizzard is starting again to pull scummy moves like that 6 months subscription for a mount while they know the content will be more than lackluster during that period shows that the population is rapidly declining. Also complains about empty servers are running rampart since years.

    @Tiviana.2650 said:I believe this is what you are talking about, it wasnt so much about community he meant the hard challenge of talking down a boss and the epic feeling you had after. And yes LFR had its problems but on the whole it was good because it did get more people to try out raids and led to some of them going forward into harder content with guilds.


    LFR has the same problems it had since its introduction. They changed nothing outside of making it even easier than it used to be.The very vast majority plays nothing except LFR. The percentage of players moving up is negligible. All of you sound that there is a relevant portion that moves up while it is way below 10%.Most players there aren't trying raids. They try to get loot with the least amount of effort possible.The only argument that is somewhat relevant is that LFR allows all players to see the environments and boss models (not fights, they are vastly different even in normal).

  12. @Senca.8356 said:Difficulty isn’t the issue. What it needs is an automised raid finder that people can drop in and drop out of without having to worry about being online and on time for a raid, fannying about in LFG for an age, or getting kicked due to the arbitrary standards the community has decided on (and let’s be honest, while you get this in every game, in the case of GW2 it’s just utterly pointless elitism. The raids are hardly WoW mythic after all, they’re barely even WoW raid finder difficulty. The toxic community has to shoulder the blame for the failure of raids in this game just as much as Anet does). Yeah sure, “GL killing anything with noobs in full soldier gear ololol”. Fair enough, give it a system where everyone’s gear gets standardised to zerk or what have you when they enter. They can do it I’m sure, it sort of works that way for PvP already.

    Once that’s done, improve the drops so that one might (maybe...occasionally) get something actually useful. Boom, suddenly more people are raiding. Some of those people will move up to the more organised scene. Problems solved.

    It won't work with the current difficulty outside of MO and Cairn. Many bosses like Deimos, Desmina or Dhuum that need specific equipped players to deal with certain mechanics will fail. Always.Did you ever play WoW LFR? Probably not if you say the difficulty here is lower than LFR. LFR is more like T1/T2 fractals. It doesn't get any lower as this. And if you played it you should know that they flat out delete mechanics that randoms can't beat.Yes the raids are not at mythic difficulty but they were never supposed to and are between normal and heroic. The community is way less toxic than WoW too.

  13. @Ayakaru.6583 said:I wholly agree, how often we had to completely scrap our designs because of arbitrary or pointless decoration limits.It serves little to no purpose other than annoying decorators.

    @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:bringer of bad news here, they cut their guild team. Because Anet reasons.

    Oh that's great. It isn't like "guild" isn't literally part of the name of the game or anything.

    The age old "guild is in the name".That's from GW1 and has nothing to do with actual guilds ;)Tbh, the name is so detached from the game now its kind of surprising the game didn't get a new name like "A Tyrian Odyssee" or something

    The game was never attached to the name to begin with...It refers to an event that takes place even before Guild Wars Prophecies. So how can it be more detached now when it never was attached to it?

  14. @Astralporing.1957 said:

    @Cyninja.2954 said:You selectively decided to omit the entire 2 paragraph explanation of why the guild decided to disband in favor of focusing on the last sentence, which in context does not even support your claim. DnT was looking for new high skilled players. No one who needs easy mode raids would have even remotely fit that description.Yes, most probably. But easy raids might have influenced the influx of new players to the normal raiding as well, and this
    result in a greater pool of skilled players. And it's not only about direct influx (conversion from easy mode to normal mode), but also about the
    of raids. At this moment, there are many players that are probably good enough that they would have been okay in normal raids, but will never see that, because they are too scared of the raids' reputation. Easy mode might have partially countermanded it.

    Furthermore Nike clearly pinpoints the problem he sees in a lack of content.That's how he sees it, yes. It's entirely possible however that, if the raiding scene did not diminish that much, because there would have been a bigger influx of new players, they would not have made the same decision.

    The DnT disband is the complete opposite of an advocate or reason to bring easy mode raids (or even go remotely in the direction of making raids easier as a whole).I don't really see it that way. I'm pretty sure that it is exactly the difficulty level aimed at only highly skilled players that slowly kills the raid scene.

    Now one can argue about if easy mode raids would produce enough skilled raiders in the first place by exposing people to the content, but even that is hard to prove.Or it might have given a chance for players that do have skill, but never got into raiding for reasons other than that.

    Harder living world episodes don't seem to do the trick with the vast majority of the player base.Vast majority of playerbase cannot be trained, that's true. On the other hand, even an increase of skilled players for raids that would be insignificant when looking at the whole playerbase, might be huge when compared to the raid population.

    I remain by my point, while I enjoy raids and do also feel the problems arising from people dropping out, I do not feel that GW2 should become more raid centric.Neither do i. At this point i'd say that it would be better if GW2 shifted its focus even further away from the hardcore community. After all, by hindsight, Raids do seem to be an effort mostly wasted. The people that Anet tried to bring in/keep using them are going to leave anyway.

    No easy mode wouldn't produce any high skilled player. It has been proven now over multiple games that easy modes
    do no
    increase the population in difficulties over easy mode and worse sometimes decrease the population towards easy mode. It is useless as a training mode and people that are skilled enough to play normal would play it anyway.

  15. @Astralporing.1957 said:

    @"gonandro.4768" said:This thread....86 pages.Ok let's be realistic, easy mode is NOT gonna happen. We got 1 (O N E) Raid wing in 2018.Well, yeah, there's that. And since the player population for raids will continue to diminish, we'll probably keep getting bigger and bigger delays with each next wing. Possibly with some decreases to their difficulty (and eventually even some retroactive "rebalancing" for better accessibility, or simply a general decrease of difficulty due to power creep). There will be indeed no need for easy mode then.

    Yeah no. The only reason the first 3 wings were pretty fast was because they started during HoT development. All wings after that were pretty slow. This has nothing to do with raid population. Which is still pretty healthy and doesn't care about you doomsayers.

  16. @phs.6089 said:

    @"Astralporing.1957" said:Not every change included in every easy mode proposal should be included, you picked the most extensive list for VG, while in reality less damage/less health and a change to a single mechanic - basically a mirror of most CMs - would easily be enough.

    And this is why this entire thread has been useless since day 1. If you check just the previous few pages, what I posted is what others want from this easy mode, which is nerfing every single mechanic of the fights. If you recall back in the first few pages I even made a suggestion of making an easy mode similar to a CM, but in reverse (removing or tweaking one mechanic, at best two) but it was turned down by some of your "Easy mode" friends (others liked it though).

    Making an easy mode similar to a CM is something I've been posting about since the very first thread about easy modes appeared. Yet, it's mostly the "easy mode" crowd that doesn't like it. Which is why posting about wanting an Easy mode without discussing at least some specifics about it, is a bit pointless.

    I would be all up for reverse CM that removes 1 mech new players struggle the most in raids, e.g teleports on Carin and VG.

    And I still stand on that those mod don't give full reward and/or unlock achievements from legendary armor.Bit of shards weekly cap to 250 (?) those usual trash drops with a chance to get ascended trinket(?). Something like that

    Those teleports are marked with an orange border around your screen for some time now if you stand in them. Most mechanics are really well telegraphed.

  17. @Blaeys.3102 said:The reward structure is fairly obvious. First, yes (1000X yes), they should be significantly lower than regular raid rewards.

    The reward should be similar to a world boss in terms of possible gear drops (so blues and greens, with a small chance at an exotic and an extremely miniscule chance at a vanilla ascended). Additionally, there should be a minimum number of magnetite shards rewarded - probably about 1/4 what a raid encounter drops now. The caveat is - no unique raid skins (including weapons, minis, the portal device, even titles) should drop at easier modes and they should remain locked on the vendor until the associative encounter is beaten in regular mode (so no way whatsoever to get the Gorseval staff without beating the current iteration of Gorseval).

    What this does is offer a minimal reward - and give people looking to get into raids a secondary guaranteed (albeit glacially slow) path to earning vanilla ascended gear (again, no unique skins). This would serve to offer both a lower difficulty level and support higher levels of raiding by letting players who absolutely hate crafting gradually (crazy slow) build an ascended raiding set. Finally, it would retain the integrity and prestige of higher tier raiding by ensuring the skins/titles/minis (yes, even minis) are only earnable through the hard mode.

    As maddoctor posted in another thread:The winterday raid has a whooping 10.8% completion rate right now while Desmina in Hall of Chains got killed by 9.5% of the accounts there.

    Easy modes won't be played unless you also add an matchmaking to it. The vast majority will not play any group content where they have to find a group by themselves.

  18. @Cyninja.2954 said:Agony mechanic is a remnant of way back when it got added in late 2013.

    So to explain, back then the basic idea was:

    • fractal bosses would do agony damage with some of their attacks (similar to now but there was no guaranteed agony check, all attack were dodge-able)
    • agony resistance was meant as a possibility to make up for bad play but if a player was good enough, he could complete fractals with less than required agony resistance (even as low as 0, some people in my group back then ran with 0 AR on fractal 40+)
    • as a matter of fact, back then only rings and backpiece were available and the maximum AR per slot was 5 (so a total of 30 AR were possible with 2 infused rings and an infused backpiece) which required a player to dodge certain boss attacks or instant die (only bosses back then were Swamp, Dredge and Jade Maw and mostly different version from today) (no ascended armor or weapons too)
    • agony resistance was never intended as a hard gate on initial release but rather as an added possible defense (and you could not get agony resistance AND stats back the though most people opted for the AR)
    • fractal rank was per character and the first few months only the exact fractal level you were on would increase your rank, making gear less significant since almost no one played multiple characters up. You picked a character and stuck with it, period.

    This all changed with multiple revamps to the fractal and agony system to what we have now, a hard gate with breakpoints making ascended armor required for T4.

    At the same time a ton of quality of life upgrades more than make up for this annoyance while also preventing to easy gearing up of characters

    TL;DR: agony resistance changed over the years and now fulfills a different role to what its original purpose was.

    Fractals got introduced November 2012.

    Agony resistance was intended as a hard gate.The last fractal was always Solid Ocean at even fractal levels (undodgeable agony at last island). You could circumvent it with rezz orbs and exploits but this was never intended.

    Now it is just a form of progression through fractals.

    @Gehenna.3625 said:

    @Gehenna.3625 said:Agony resistance is ArenaNet's version of the gear treadmill. Now before people start crying, I think this is a good idea. It's a form of progression and it makes sure as someone said that new people first get to practice at lower levels first. As much as people didn't want gear progression at level 80, any MMO does need something like it. I think this is a pretty good version.

    Its not a gear treadmill, its progression past lvl 80. Gear treadmill would imply that u have to keep up to date and refarm ar which isnt the case.

    You do content to upgrade your gear so you can do the same content at a higher level, right?

    To me that's a gear treadmill even though it's a more elegant one.

    No it's not a gear threadmill. Gear treadmills get a higher values every patch so you are never really finished. It is just progression as you need to reach 150 agony resistance and you are done.

  19. @Astralporing.1957 said:

    @"Cyninja.2954" said:WoW isn't losing it's mythic raiders true, but you also fail to show how LFR specifically has in any way improved the mythic raiding community (or raiding community as a whole) .Oh, that one is simple. It "improved" the raiding community by
    allowing it to exist
    . WoW may be a raid-focused game, but it stays afloat only thanks to more casual players. True, many raiders don't want to acknowledge it, but in the end they wouldn't want to raid in a dead game either. Even if it wasn't just simply shut down.

    You still need to prove how a comparison between an instanced/raid focused game and an open world focused game has any relevance to this discussion.WoW had a healthy population and it's population peak without LFR existing. LFR does not allow raiding to exist. We have the exact same system WoW had during it's population peak.

    Most people won't play raids with an easy mode either. The majority just doesn't care about instanced content. As long as it isn't LFR-like with an auto-grouping system you will still only reach a small minority. The casual playstil involves that most don't bother with group searching. That is one reason GW2 is successful, open world with spontaneous participation. LFR won't work with the mechanics involved in raids, the stats people are running and the class system. We don't have explicit tank, healer, DPS.

  20. @Malediktus.9250 said:

    @Malediktus.9250 said:I would prefer fighting some real threats of Tyria instead of playing in a glorified circus. But maybe Anet can suprise me. Balthasar should have been a raid boss, too.

    That wouldn't be a very good idea given how Balthazar was fought by the commander. In Raids they "fix" the commander problem because no NPC, ally or enemy is calling us Commander in there. Instead we are a group of 10 random adventurers. Balthazar is integrated to the story and was beaten by the Commander with the help of Aurene, not by a random adventuring group. Not to mention the obvious problems with not everyone liking Raids and so on, but Story is also an important limiting factor in making these final bosses Raids.

    And that was why the story was unepic. A godlike being, celebrated as the God of War and fire and empowered by draining 2 elder dragons back to sleep, was beaten by a mere mortal and a juvenile dragon. Seems totally unplausible and silly to me.

    And you think that adding nine more mere mortals (and
    a dragon) would suddenly make it more epic and plausible?

    Not really, but a good bit better. Ideally it would be a 40 man raid + NPCs. It is kinda strange that a lich like Dhuum seems to be truly immortal, while only being empowered by weak human souls and the God of War permanently dies in just one short melee fight. You would think even if you consider him a false god, that all the magic he absorbed would have made him much stronger. He did not even try to heal up at any time during the fight as far as I can remember and his only one shot attack conveniently gets shielded by a dragon much younger than Vlast who was no match to Balthasar.At the very least it should have taken the help of an elder dragon or some of the remaining gods to help in the fight against Balthasar. But no we get this boring 2v1 fight that we should have stood no chance to win at all.And then Aurene just eats Joko while Dhuum still persists chained in the raid. Why not just make a dragon eat him lol. At this point what difference does it make.

    But Balthazar didn't absorb the all magic of Jormag and Primordius. He got some strenght but we don't know how much. Also Kralkatorrik is present in that fight. It is possible that Aurene is empowered just by the presence of him. Quite possible that we only wound him and Kralkatorrik kills him with the consumption of his energy/essence that gets released.

    Dhuum had over 250 years to get back to his strenght. Dhuum is not just a Lich but actually the old god of death. There is no greater power present so we just seal him away once more.

  21. @"Daniel.5428" said:I am here still hoping we will soon get an raid group-making system like the LFR in WoW. The days of people who were ready to spend 10 hours to try some bosses are over, Blizzard understood it and they try to make the raids more enjoyable and forgiving. The raids of GW2 are not hard in essence, but whowould have taught the community can be so toxic. There are some things Anet has to fix to make raids better:1 - Eliminate the trinity (and yes, with every wing the trinity is more less and less demanding, but it's still there)Solutions: Those cool random tank mechanics. Very useful and they push people to learn 100% of boss mechanics, not only the 50% for dps.

    2 - Make classes multifunctional. At this point there is no way to make a raid without mesmer or druid. Quickness is locked behind mesmer, alacrity too.Solution: Make most buffs 10-players so 1 class can hold the buffing itself, without needing to stack 2 of the same class, role.

    3 - Try to push people to make diverse groups.Solution: There was a MMOrpg once, I forgot it's name, where, if you would have go in a dungeon with a party of 4, where everyone was a different class (there were 4 classes in total), you would have get bonus drop rate for rare items, etc. Such bonuses would be cool and would make people to accept classes that are not "top benchmark"

    4 - Don't focus too much on dps race. Try to make the boss fight an amalgam of fight mechanics. I prefer to be kicked for not knowing all 10 mechanics than to be kicked because I swapped my kit 0.5 second later and I lost dps (it happened XD , toxic as kitten)

    1. There are some bosses that need the trinity and others were it is not relevant. We have a good balance there.
    2. It is entirely possible to raid without a chrono and druid. Both quickness and alacrity are not mesmer only. Quickness=firebrand, alacrity=renegade.
    3. The balance is really good right now. We never had the classes this close together as of now.
    4. There is not a single DPS race in the raids. All timers are really lenient. Exeptions may be Samarog CM and Dhuum CM, but you should never run out of time on any other encounter.

    Did you ever play a raid in GW2?

    LFR in WoW is not 'more forgiving'. It is a clown fiesta. They even remove mechanics that need some coordination and half of the group can just straight afk and never do anything.

  22. @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:Today there is a new bug. Yesterday it worked fine but now all facets give boons at the same time. The first proc is at the "correct" time but after first proc all boons go out at the same time. This is real problem since Shared Empowerment have 1 second internal CD. Yesterday you could turn on one facet and then after 1 second activate second one so they give boons at diferent time and you would get Shared empowerment proc on both of them. 16 might is not enough to be a mightstacker in raids, especialy since herald doesnt have spirits. If they decide to fix this or give might on those facet/shared empowerment longer duration then herald might be very close to replacing druid. Sadly without option to provide 20+might this is very far from reality.It is clear that anet put alot of effort into this rework and it is amazing but this small change kills its potential. Such a shame.

    1. Facets always gave boons at the same time. It was a day 1 complain at HoT release. The fact that they didn't was the bug.
    2. 16 might is more than enough. Your chrono gives the rest for 25.
  23. @Malediktus.9250 said:

    @Cyninja.2954 said:Except that the metrics on sites as gw2efficiency speak a clear language and show where and what a majority of the player base do and play. It's casual content.

    lul. 5 years of bullying everything that isn't casual. 5 years of next to no content for anything that isn't casual. 5 years of being told you're elitist the moment you aren't casual. And you're suprised that now - now players are mostly casual? surely you grasp how this works. That's my entire point.

    You get how this works. "No there are no problems - anet has perfect measurements, you're not a majority and your feedback isn't relevant!" Problems don't get resolved, feedback isn't even welcome until players who face the issues get fed up and leave. And you continue to pretend there are no issues; yet the state of the game doesn't improve.

    Not sure if serious.
    • introduction of fractals during vanilla and the constant rework needed to make them widely acceptable and played (larger difficulty tiers, better rewards, etc.)
    • The outrage after HoTs release and the subsequent nerfs for that open world content across the board multiple times.
    • introduction of raids with HoT
    • difficulty of story content starting HoT versus vanilla (and the subsequent nerfs to said content to make it complete-able)

    Was all done to add some diverse content. It always was a fraction of the total content. Logical conclusion: the vast majority of players was/is casual.

    @Etheri.5406 said:You get how this works. "No there are no problems - anet has perfect measurements, you're not a majority and your feedback isn't relevant!" Problems don't get resolved, feedback isn't even welcome until players who face the issues get fed up and leave. And you continue to pretend there are no issues; yet the state of the game doesn't improve.

    You are taking assumptions, mix them with questionable facts and then deliver painful conclusions. I never said Arenanets approach or metrix are perfect. I am not as arrogant though to assume they are wrong on everything all the time (which is essentially what you would have to prove if you want to show that the game was not designed as casual MMO).

    Nobody was bullied into leaving the game. People left because they did not find what they were looking for in GW2. That's not being bullied out of a game, that's realizing the game is not to ones liking.

    I could go over to the WoW boards, start complaining that WoW could be such a great game without gear progression, show how gear progression was slower during vanilla, complain and demand that Blizzard stop devaluing gear and stick to 1 final max rank tier. I would get laughed out of the forums. Blizzard designs their game around their player bases demands. Similar to Arenanet.

    You are part of a niche segment, so am I. I have accepted this in GW2 and knowing the game would suffer if the focus were put on only stuff I want, I'm happy with knowing the game is quite casual.

    Everything that isn't casual is niche now; this was far from true on release. The tendencies have shifted very heavily towards casuals; and ultimately it mostly makes the game worse.

    I do remember HoT being "too difficult". By this I mean appearantly that was a bigger problem than various gamemodes including S1 pvp and WvW as a whole being literally unplayable. Guess what was fixed first? ;)

    And i'm sorry but stating concerns aren't valid because you're not a target group is bullying. It's literally the majority / stronger group saying "we do not care about your concerns". Then again, you actually believe gw2's community is "friendliest mmo community"- I'm out.

    Yes, I remember when even the personal story was somewhat challenging (back in the beta events) and not faceroll to win. Then they nerfed it multiple times to make casuals happy. Because apparently story cant be challenging even when you fight some very feared opponents.To tell the truth I wouldnt have bought GW2 if it would already be this boring in beta

    The only thing i remember being even kinda challenging about was being undergeared and obviously not knowing classes. Im sure if i went back in time and retained that same knowledge it would be just as faceroll easy as it is now outside of a few fights(like Zhaitain).

    I remember not being able to face tank everything in personal story and let auto attack does all the work. Sure having more experience helps, but it is undeniable that Anet dumbed a lot of things down

    You remember wrong. Except the eye of Zaithan and Ruins of Orr story mode nothing got a real nerf. You just were undergeared and/or didn't know what you were doing. Most of the story was always pretty faceroll.

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