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Posts posted by moutzaheadin.4029

  1. It’s not a settings thing. So people say it’s the new glider that’s causing people to crash.

    My squad and I  crashed 5x in 10 mins after hours and hours of no issues. Rebooted, turned everything down. Nothing changed the fact I keep crashing.

    this was on maguuma.


    I AM 99% sure the new fan glider will dc the enemy. 


    the main one is. Mag has 3 tiers of players.

    level 1 mag = link player, the mag hating alt saboteurs, the gob pver and the shittie.

    level 2 mag = the mag cloud from mag that know where to go and what to do without being directed with a tag.

    level 3 mag = some of the most exceptional players left in the game. We have more of these than all of the other servers. 


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  3. 9 hours ago, xDumplinx.7983 said:

    Maybe if the server i cant name or ANet will give me a 3 day ban hadn't spawn camped other servers to the point they logged off every week they faced said un-named server, and told them to "get gud" on the forums then this topic wouldn't exist. You cant expect people to play fair if you are the perfect example of unfair play. 

    ANet allows spies, double teaming,  and other tactics in wvw, therefore two servers working together to make sure the un-named server gets locked into a tier it is now getting destroyed in is just another form of double teaming - a tactic ANet has said is fine.

    I just find it funny that when this un-named server is dominating and telling others to #get-gud-noobs that none of the other servers are calling foul and wanting tie break systems so they can tank a tier. But now suddenly when this un-named server is getting walked all over and locked into the tier it claims is its rightful place at the top of the heap, there are calls for tie breaks and other mechanics to allow them to tank and have "easy bags"

    They know who they are, I won't name them because ANet bans people for naming their pet project server on the forums.

     Everything that is happening in wvw with the T1, T2 "drama" is simply a case of said un-named server reaping what it sows 

    A tie break system is simply another system some-one will find a way to twist so they end up in the tier they want.

    “Walked all over”


    Yeah we are really being farmed lol! No more plz no more haha



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  4. Bad changes if you play a mirage. 

    your already slow as there is no 25% speed trait anywhere.


    so you must take a speed rune. Unless you enjoy dragging your face through broken glass.


    now you lost superspeed on mirror,arcane thievery, blink and mass invis. Replaced with ageis. 


    Plus you lost the cooldown reduction for all them skills. Which any and all of them are extremely useful for a mirage.


    If they wanted to do this without gutting mirage it would have made more sence to add glamour skills get the ageis buff, Leaving master of manipulation alone. 

    The mantra “change” is a revert from a year ago. Wtf.


    they don’t care about mirage or the people that play it. 





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  5. Anet implemented the MAG rule. That you only need 6 of 7 to complete the weekly. So you won’t have to trouble yourself with our SMC.


    Don’t spend your 8g all in one place.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Tryfan.1457 said:



    There was no ANet intervention at all. This is still the same stupid algorithm failing again.


    How it works is this. The population rating of each server is judged relative to the #1 server. No one knows the exact percentages but a simple example (probably not accurate but gives the idea in action here) would be 100%-75% (of the #1 server's activity) is "full", 75%-50% is "very high", 50%-25% is "high", and 25%-0% is "medium" (there is no "low" for various reasons, some financial some psychological).


    What happened was Maguuma opened up a few weeks ago and hundreds of people transferred in. These population ratings don't change on a minute by minute basis, they are based on a period of time.


    Now, these people have factored in to the activity tracker. And Maguuma, already the most populated server in the game, skyrocketed even higher. WAY higher.


    Servers who were at 80% of its activity are now at 70%. Those at 55% are now at 45%. Etc.


    ANet did nothing. You people should know by now there is no person paying any attention to the populations (or anything else in WvW) at all. They rely 100% on their failing algorithm to do their work for them. And now this has happened. Maguuma is so big that no other server can even get into the same population bracket as them.

    Source = Trust me bromeo

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  7. 5 minutes ago, Tryfan.1457 said:

    If Maguuma players always "want tough fights", why don't they transfer to fight Maguuma?


    I think we all know the answer, lol.


    I’ve been on maguuma for 8 years or so. In that time we have been dead last in t4 , a link server 2 times and many many times at the bottom. 

    I know what the tuff fights are. I play on mag during the ocx/sea/eu time zone. Finally we as a family are on top of the hill kicking you guys off effortlessly. Yeah I think I’ll stay on MAG.


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  8. 28 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    Congrats to Maguuma for being the only Full NA server!


    seems like daddy anet finally found a solution to the big bad MAG. 

    let’s open all the servers this way the players can stack stack stack. Plus the cash 💰!!


    I say bring it. We want you to stack. We want to have tough fights, join up. Call your friends! Let’s get a stack party started! 

    I’ll sponsor the first xfer! Gogogogogog



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  9. 4 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

    Based on your example, i

    the right answer is. All of server A’s kills are server b and c. 

    all of server b and c’s kills are of just server A.


    same with the deaths. It’s extremely uncanny when you take the image and see where the kills/deaths are being generated from. 

    I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a more concentrated effort. I think it’s great. It’s been super busy aswell.



  10. 6 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

    Outside of trying to prevent this from being a match up thread it would read more that people are not showing up for the fight, as the forums likewise often posts is their option to do so. So it would support more you are outnumbering others, not due to any population size but people not playing on that map on the other sides. It also doesn't show coverage differences, which again is not  an individual Mag issue and happens every where. I don't think any NA server has full queues on all maps at all time of the day. Would need EU people to speak for their region, so don't know there. So again, lets say you weren't on Mag, sticking to the point, in general tactics outside of tactical strike to paper a hardened target elsewhere when is it a good idea to leave SMC alone if you don't own it?

    It’s safe to say that math isn’t your thing. I’ll leave it at that.



  11. 2 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

    Step outside of your server for a second. This is an overall issue with the game mechanics. In all tiers have seen too many times where people go for the easier fight. 1 & 2 will jump on 3. SMC's a single example of this. Sure no one wants to get double teamed but when the double teaming is just more rewarding to 1 &2 against 3, that's game mechanic and product of coverage. The three way server system is meant to balance out sides, but due to scoring, KDR, points, rewards you, whatever you name it doesn't. It just leads to more path of least resistance. That's another thing that might be stacked after WR, so lets get WR done already so we get to what's after.

    I understand all double teams happen. It’s the game.


    use your math on this and tell me what you think.


    read the kills and deaths and add them up. 

    you’ll see what how hard these 2 servers are teaming up.


    go ahead.  Lol




  12. 5 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


    Your reply explained nothing, gratz I guess. I will assume that the way you read Mariyuuna's reply and the way I did is different and I read it from the roaming view point. So to be fair, when roaming its easier to create a build that is strong and greedy that helps you and allows you to kill and live, it easy to design because you worry about you. When you adjust the build to havoc you do the same and add in bits to keep your havoc alive and start to fill in bits to aid where they miss, means you have to consider more what is their build, what's its boons and banes and how to aid. When you build for Warband and Zerg you take away more from yourself and group build more. It’s ermeans you are weaker alone and need more support to allow your group build to aid more and need more coordination from there but that makes the group all the stronger. You can hit bigger but can't be in more spots at once since if you do you forfeit that group support. Warbands and Zergs can hit stronger since they have builds that do more support and group builds and hence the boon balls. Mag plays to counter the boonball. As I have said a good counter to a strong zerg is more havocs and roamers. Mags has shown a good example of this. A zerg can smash targets but if countered by havocs and roamers at the expense of other objectives in trade. Right now though, 50 taking a solo objective is handled the same as the 3 that were needed to do the job, that's where we are out of balanced.


    let me step out of Rp for a sec,


    It’s really simple.


    clouding and using builds built for it is much more enjoyable and relaxing then boon spam zerging. When I cloud, I’m free to go where ever I like. I can respond to call outs, I can take a camp, I can find 1vX fights. It’s just the freedom that matters to me. Lastly playing like that solo keeps your awareness sharp.


    since I’ve boon spam zerged more times then I care to admit, I can say for certainty that it dumbs down your individual skill and awareness. Almost makes you numb to your surroundings. On top of that, you need to be in the group as each party has a set comp. 1 person missing and that party is hindered. Then you go into the fact that each boon spam guild has 1 very good driver and 1 in training most the time. Or none, so now if that person isn’t on. Well it’s “no raid today boys”


    Boon spam zerging is also tiring, boring and can only function for so long before it’s break time or end of raid. It’s a taxing way to play since it’s not any fun at all. Me personally I would get bored out of my mind after the first 30 mins and I loved the people I was running with.


    plus I’m not a fan of sitting on tag as tight as possible to exploit the ingame limitations of how aoe damage is handled. 

    so to sum it up, I think the longer the game goes on. There will be more and more people who will take on these views. To play a casual, enjoyable way to spend time. I’ve said it before, I treat this game as a call of duty hotjoin. I log in, get some kills. Some laughs and log out. This game is too old and too tired to take as serious as some of you guys do. That’s why the cloud is growing all hours of the day. More people are starting to feel the same or have for a while now.


    enjoy and have fun!


    Back in Rp


    get gud is the answer. The mighty teapot agrees.





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  13. 36 minutes ago, Evenge.4067 said:

    Really? I doubt that so called very experienced players are not using Discord. 

    If you must know MAGSWAG discord is full of cat memes, furry memes, salt filled pm screenshots and threads like this from here and Reddit.


    that’s all we use discord for. No voice, no com. It’s not needed. 

    I hope I gave you a peek into the secret sauce of the MAG success.



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  14. 2 hours ago, exeggcuter.8394 said:

    Now I understand why you are far more skilled than anyone else on guild wars 2 @ arya. By sheer amount of time spent playing this game you've managed to perfect everything the game has to offer. Clearly I need to condense my gameplay habits down to one game. Then I'd have the skill required to beat Mag.


    obs likely did the same. I should follow his example and play Guildwars 2 more.

    I don’t pve, my 10,000 hours of play time are wvw only. It’s something I enjoy. I have an alt account for the times the MAG match has nothing to offer. That’s when I play it. But of late I haven’t. I’ve been playing with friends on MAG new and old.


    like previously posted, we on MAG are like a family. We all enjoy it here and the casual playstyle to win. I’ve often referred to the way I play the game as a COD hot join. Log in, get some kills and log out. There’s no waiting, there’s no 1 person that MAG depends on. It’s really just a group of people that enjoy playing and know the game. That’s why we always have people on. There is no set time raids. Or any of that buisness.



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  15. 1 hour ago, exeggcuter.8394 said:

    So what you're telling me, obs, is that you continued to play on EBay right up until MAG got more bloated than normal?

    I wasn’t telling you that. I was a replying to the other person about playing off MAG like it’s something haven’t or couldn’t do.


    to be more clear. I used an alt account. I would never move the main account from MAG. On the 3 raid days a week I was doing for [red]. During non raid times I would tag up a lot of the time and use the same style of cloud I have been doing on MAG for a long time.


    I always played my MAG account. I just played it less at that time.


    hope that helps.



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  16. 56 minutes ago, Shift Focus.9083 said:

    I challenge you to go on any other server than Mag, Obs. Because you'll see what work actually means, and not just playing on easy mode all the time.

    See what a lot of people don’t know is, for a good part of last year I used my alt and played on eBay, the character name was your pal obs.


    I played in a comp gvg/boon spam guild called [red]. They are awesome btw. I played there for about a year or less. In that time I pug tagged many mornings. With the same style I use on MAG. It was very successful. My thing was all are welcome, join for fun. That was my only message.


    so in fact I do know what it’s like to play off MAG, I even roamed against MAG, it’s by far the hardest server to roam against. I was tagged with my name so people knew it was me. I had fun. But I’ve since moved on from that for various reasons.


    shout out to [red] and [aeg] two guilds that I will always remember for my time on eBay.

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  17. 1 hour ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    Sure, but no one really believes you would give a sincere perspective in good faith on the subject because it always sounds like ironic trolling.


    I’m trying to be blunt and honest, but this topic is getting old. It’s not as easy as it looks to reply to the same thing over and over in different ways till people actually grasp the reality of what, why and how they are losing.


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  18. 6 minutes ago, Phelan.2014 said:


    The problem with your math is that you chose poor data points. I'm assuming you are not currently matched against Maguuma, otherwise it would be obvious. Warscore is inflated because no one wants to contest Maguuma.


    -Maguuma has been steadily breaking the morale of the other T1 servers for some time now.


    -It has finally come to a head and t1 WvW is a ghost town most of the time.


    -Maguuma opened because there are less fights, so Maguuma veterans aren't playing as much.


    -Since opening, we've had a stronger OCX/SEA presence, and now the guilds who do PvD  in off hours have been chased off.


    -Uncle OBS holding it down NA early morning through late NA morning.


    So long story short, Maguuma does have numerical superiority. But the reason is that the other servers aren't playing, not that we somehow manage to cram more people into a map than are allowed. That's not a Maguuma problem, and it's a problem that feeds itself.


    If the other servers continue to boycott, Maguuma will have less play hours and will open again. This genius plan to #boycottmaguuma backfired and made Maguuma stronger, while poaching players from the very servers who actually need them.

    This is a solid take and one that should echo through here so everyone can understand.


    has nothing to do with that shoutout. But thank you anyways. 🫡


    the take on what’s happening is spot on. We have had more than a few Q’s during sea time during the week. Which in the past was unheard of on MAG. Clearly your into something.



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