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Posts posted by zoejo.2317

  1. Who?
    A guild by and for EU players who feel hesitant, insecure, or afraid of endgame group content. We started as a group of first-timers and decided that the community needed a space to go into raids, strikes, fractals, etc, with the mindset that failing is Okay.
    We jump in with:
    1. No expectations to succeed, only to learn
    2. No build or gear checks of any kind
    3. No DPS checks or any such number, be it heal or boon uptime.
    If we have to wipe for an hour until we all learn, we will.
    Our runs can be:
    1. Fully blind, in which you and other first-timers figure it all out in the spot, together, and enjoy the great accomplishment that is solving a puzzle by yourselves
    2. Guided runs, in which a veteran takes the time to explain, and discuss doubts.
    - No commander rank
    We're one of the few guilds in which even a first-timer can request an event to be added to our schedule. Ask and it will be set up. Command it yourself or ask a seasoned member to help you out. Our entire schedule is run by the members. Be selfish!
    - Learn to lead
    Take a group for a ride and learn to lead. What you don't know, the collective will help with.
    - Everyone is welcome to any event, always
    That is our default. Every run is for everyone.
    - No bureaucracy
    See a spot at an event? Take it. Very easy sign-up with Aleeva.
    - No representation needed, ever
    Even joining the in-game guild is optional (though we have a fully maxed-out hall at your disposal).
    ALL our commanders started out as first-timers, failing a lot, together. We want to give you the same opportunity, and provide you with the same path towards legendary gear that was once provided for us.
    If you've had terrible LFG experiences, if KP scares you, if all you need is a safe place to wipe and fail and go at your own pace, you just found it.
    Let's go:

    Are you level 80 and looking to get actively involved with end game content but don't know where to start? Ever feel timid to join groups because you don't know what you're doing? Have a bad experience using LFG? Join BAD and never feel that way again.


    We're a group of inexperienced players that banded together on the game's main sub and we've got the perfect space for players like you. Our goal: maintain a comfortable space for level 80 players who want to get into dungeons, fractals, strikes, and even raids without pressure. Experience is not a requirement. DPS checks are not a thing. Specific builds are not required. All we ask is for you to keep a positive attitude while learning - and failing - content together.


    We're open to active level 80 players ready to learn or continue through end-game content. Most runs will have guidance from players who have learned with us and now lead events, but some runs may also be fully blind where you'll learn together with other inexperienced players. We all know what it's like to be new and totally confused by mechanics but we'll figure it out together and get better.


    Hop in, talk to us, check us out - no commitment!


  3. Are you level 80 and looking to get actively involved with end-game content but don't know where to start? Ever feel timid to join groups because you don't know what you're doing? Have a bad experience using LFG? Join [BAD] and never feel that way again!


    We're a group of inexperienced players that banded together on the game's main reddit sub and we've got the perfect space for players like you. Our goal: maintain a comfortable space for level 80 players who want to get into dungeons, fractals, strikes, and even raids without pressure. Experience is not a requirement. DPS checks are not a thing. Specific builds are not required. All we ask is for you to actively participate and keep a positive attitude while learning - and failing - content together.


    We're open to active, level 80 players in both EU & NA. Some runs will be fully blind and you can learn together with other inexperienced players, while other runs may have guidance from helpful veterans. Many of our players have gone from zero experience to leading raids and strikes. We all know what it's like to be new and totally confused by mechanics but we'll figure it out together and get better.


    Note: most NA events run eastern standard time, for now, while EU event times will vary.


    Discord: https://discord.gg/MxyYDUrYx4

  4. Inexperienced with end-game content? Timid to join groups because you don't know what you're doing? Have a bad experience using LFG? Join [BAD] and never feel that way again!


    We're a group of inexperienced players that banded together on the game's main sub and we've got the perfect space for players like you. Our goal is to maintain a comfortable space for level 80 players who want to get into dungeons, fractals, strikes, and even raids without feeling any pressure.


    Experience is not required. DPS checks are not a thing. Specific builds are not required. All that's required is a positive attitude and the willingness to learn - and fail - together.

    We're open to both level 80 players in both NA and EU. Some runs will be fully blind and you can learn together with other inexperienced players, while other runs may have guidance from helpful veterans. Many of our players have gone from zero experience to leading raids and strikes. We all know what it's like to be new and totally confused by mechanics, but we can figure it out together and get better.


    But don't just take my word for it, hop over to our discord and chat up our members: https://discord.gg/MxyYDUrYx4


    Ask anything, join for some laughs while wiping, learning, and, in your own time, succeeding.

    • Like 2
  5. I've seen a number of comments from inexperienced players who are timid to try end-game content. Maybe you don't think you're good enough or you've had a bad experience with LFG.
    Well, a group of us banded together after some similar comments and created a space for players like you. We're a group of players with varying levels of experience looking to learn - and fail - together.
    We're not demanding comps or doing DPS checks or asking for abbreviated things we don't even understand. If we win that's great but we totally expect to fail and learn together.
    We're open to both NA and EU players looking to run strikes, challenge modes, and other end-game content. Fully blind runs in which you learn together with other inexperienced players, or with a little guidance from helpful veterans. All we ask is that you be excellent to each other and accept failure as a real possibility until we learn together.
    Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/MxyYDUrYx4
    • Like 3
  6. I've seen a number of comments from inexperienced players who are timid to try end game content. Maybe you don't think you're good enough or you've had a bad experience with LFG.


    Well, a group of us banded together after some similar comments on this very sub and created a space for players like you. We're a group of players with varying levels of experience looking to learn - and fail - together. We're not running comps or doing DPS checks or asking for abbreviated things we don't even understand. If we win that's great but we totally expect to fail and learn together.


    We're open to both NA and EU players looking to run strikes, fractals, dungeons and even raids. Fully blind runs in which you learn together with other inexperienced players, or with a little guidance from helpful veterans. All we ask is that you be excellent to each other and accept failure as a real possibility until we learn together.


    Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/MxyYDUrYx4

    • Like 3
  7. @Healix.5819 Unfortunately, the problem remains albeit having a) switched off the second screen; b) closed everything; c) rebooted; d) closed every single non essential process; e) playing at the minimum possible settings (keeping native resolution, windowed full-screen mode); f) disabling all overlays (everything BlisHUD and arcdps); g) disabling DX11; h) confirming the drivers were updated; i) the laptop is set to high performance, plugged in, and the game is using the correct GPU.

    HOWEVER, it happens significantly less, and I consider it playable. I don't find this satisfactory only because I used to play just fine without all these extra steps for 3 years now. It might be that my hardware is just degrading - is that a thing? I have also not wiped this PC or reinstalled the OS since I got it (those same 3 years) since it hasn't slowed down aside from this situation. Maybe I should do that.


    @Ashantara.8731 Yes, as hot as usual. Even the fan sound isn't always at its maximum, and the laptop is moderately hot in one specific area where it always heats up a bit when I do any heavy processing.


    An added detail: in my attempts to figure out where the issue came from, I took the laptop to work and ran GW2 in my lunch time (with ALL the precautions listed above) and it was significantly worse. Unplayable. One of the differences was that I was connected to an eduroam wi-fi network (I work at a university). Maybe it's connection-related?

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Healix.5819 said:

    Running out of dedicated GPU memory can cause this, as well as stuttering and/or low FPS (a fraction of what you'd normally see). This will become more noticeable now, as DX11 uses more GPU and requires more GPU memory, even more so in EoD (>2GB for high settings/textures). You can check your GPU usage/memory by pressing ctrl+shift+esc to open the task manager, selecting the performance tab and selecting your GPU from the list.

    I've also (rarely) seen this happen by simply having another window open on a secondary screen, which would cause the GPU usage to spike. Closing the window or overlapping GW2 by 1 pixel would stop it.

    Thank you for your answer. I went ahead and confirmed that the GPU usage is mostly at 90-100% all the time. Sometimes the stutter/slowing happens, sometimes it doesn't. I also confirm that I have been using a second screen with other windows open. I am now playing without the second screen at all, but, in my ignorance, I don't know if this would take some load off the GPU - If you have any thoughts on this, I'd love to hear it, as well as any other tips for someone playing on a mediocre laptop.


    I find it strange that this hasn't happened for years (I've been playing since pre-launch betas, with worse laptops, and on this one for 3 years) and now happens all the time even in core maps.


    Anyway, thank you again.

  9. On 11/12/2021 at 4:20 AM, SuperSaraaa.9520 said:

    Hello, this is my first time posting on the GW2 forum. I came specifically looking because I had Braham being bugged and unresponsive. I read people saying lead Braham back through the mission to have him be able to trigger dialogue. For me, my smooth brain said "Jump into the pit next to the magister with all the chak there! You'll die, it will allow you to restart at a checkpoint previous and you can lead Braham back through the path you took." (Of the three paths you can take, I initially took the one with the glowing green patches where you have to go through the dark cave. Also edit here: because I don't actually know what the others paths look like.) However, when I respawned after I threw myself to my imminent death, it bypassed the Braham not responding part and progressed me to the next part of the mission, aka the group gathering to talk and the mission being completed.

    I just wanted to add my experience and maybe hopefully yeeting into the pit of death next to the magister helps someone else. 




    Just want to add that this worked the first time around. I jumped into the pit, far from Braham, got downed, Braham started coming to revive me but I died before. He just stood standing in the middle of the mobs but the dialogue triggered and the story progressed.


    Thank you

  10. @Danikat.8537 said:But as far as I can see these are physical gem cards which are posted out (or can be collected from the store), not a code sent by email. If you're playing on EU servers but live in the US that's not a problem but if you're in Europe then I suspect even if you can get the card sent to you the shipping cost will cancel out the discount.

    No worries; I have a US resident friend that will receive it at his address and send me a photo of the scratched off card.

    Thank you for the confirmation!

  11. - On feedbackMore? You literally accessed posts in which we expressed our opinions. Why do we have to write it all down again?

    - The templatesThe positives are undeniable - quick switches, free bank space - but some of the negatives make it seem like you didn't give this much thought or didn't properly test it.

    • It is now harder to share equipment between characters, as it is bound to a character-bound template (e.g., ascended and legendary gear);
    • The 3 character-bound templates are in fact pre-existing templates that corresponded to the 3 game modes. Except now they are not applied automatically when we travel between the game modes. It has to be done manually so it's an actual extra step.

    - PricingIt's fine to be in business for the money. Preferably, the profit would be directly linked to customer satisfaction. The prices around these templates convey the message that ArenaNet is in it for the money, not linked to customer satisfaction, but regardless of customer satisfaction. The message being conveyed right now is that you are trying to milk the most money out of players by indirect means, instead of the good old "having a good product that actually addresses customer's needs".For anyone who puts a single minute of thought into this, it feels that you're acting like an airline: "Yeah there's a lot less legroom now. But you're free to book a LegPlus seat and have the same room as before for a price!".The limiting is insane. 6 free slots per player? Even the most casual of casuals can run 2 or 3 slots in a character - especially when playing more than one game mode. So players have a new system that covers... 2 characters? Fractals and raids - content you made - encourage switching roles according to the encounter; how are 6 free templates enough?So what are you telling players here? Pay up or keep doing what you've done so far and barely use this new system?

    This is contrary to all your manifestos and personal expression of "love for the game and community", of this being "your passion" - all the things we hear from you in interviews.

    So, either:

    1. There's no "love for the game and community", and you're after profit; or,
    2. That passion remains and NCSoft is making you meet a certain fixed profit that forces certain prices on templates.

    In either case, I don't see how feedback will change anything.Is this an empty gesture, a marketing or PR maneuver? If not, how far will you go to change things according to feedback?

  12. I> @Raknar.4735 said:

    @Dragon Priestess.9760 said:I wish my human female had a smaller bust size.

    I also want actual long hair options for human female, like the Norns have.

    Same, i wish we had sliders to choose the dimensions of body parts / hair length, or atleast more hairstyles and bodytypes for each race.

    I wish bigger body types were represented. As in fat, chubby, not muscular.

    Back to topic, I wanted to change it up and simultaneously noticed all my character matched my ethnicity. I purposely created a character from another ethnic group, decided for unusual hair color (silver). In short, something realistic (I like credibility) but simultaneously moving away from the choices I noticed I kept repeating.

  13. @"Gopaka.7839" said:Open world wont kill gw2. PvP/WvW players will have something to do in the open world and thus learn more about PvE on the way. PvE players on the other hand will get used to seeing players getting killed by other players and maybe learn more about the PvP/WvW community a little bit more while communicating with some WvW/PvP players. And thus go do some PvP and WvW. What my idea is basically bringing all the community together around all the contents that this game is providing, not splitting them apart. I know WvW players playing the game doing only WvW, not knowing what a guild hall is even. I know PvE players who havent played WvW a single time. I know PvP player that does only tournaments. Why all of you think splitted community is a good community ? WvW struggle for fresh blood ? How do you suggest they do that ? Go out in LA spreading the good word and putting posters on the bank and trading post ?

    Because the main obstacle is how hard it is to learn about the other game modes? It's 2 clicks away.

  14. This is the first time I see this issue being proposed with a philosophical layer to it: progress, history, moving forward the same way we've been doing since we left the caves...I'll give you credit for adding something new to an old, repeated, uncreative, wishful, rebuked suggestion - but frankly, it's a video-game design by a company. It's both hilarious and clueless to throw philosophy in the mix.

    As for the suggestion itself, it's already implemented. They call it Lineage 2, for example.

    This is not that game.

  15. I'd be happy with everything not involving a choice being a simple bouncy chest, one of those you can right click to bypass the splash screen.It's annoying in other situations too, besides leveling with tomes. One example is the Auric Basin meta, in which we have to close it off of our faces every time the event starts and you're rushing in to meet the boss (as well as when it ends and you're rushing out to the loot and hero point).

    It's not a particularly bad idea or design. But time has shown that it can be streamlined just by being made optional.

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