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  1. In that case, I don't see why they need to be renamed in the first place, if rarities will continue to exist. Who cares whether they are called Essences or Rift Essences? 🤷‍♀️
  2. Also, from what I understand, the current Essences will be unified into just a single Essence type: Rift Essences. So no more different types/colors.
  3. I've never seen nor heard of this before, characters changing appearance at random. It is more likely a user-sided mistake. 😉
  4. Short answer: No. The 1st Gen Legendaries require the Gifts of Might and Magic. They are more costly than then Condensed versions.
  5. Guess ANet forgot to check the box for "Can be placed in Shared Inventory Slot" for Relics.
  6. I just finished EoD on my alt account and was reminded what makes an expansion a great expansion. The story had the perfect length and flow, and the story missions were extremely well designed and so much fun to play through. Even the meta events had real highlights (see Dragon's End). While EoD had its flaws (mostly that map assets, like in New Kaineng City, show in what a hurry the devs must have been to finish the expac in time), it was nonetheless a pretty excellent expac overall regarding quality and quantity. You cannot say the same about SotO in good conscience. 3/4 of the story (namely Nayos) were half-baked and rushed, the story missions were a bad joke in comparison, the map events - especially in Nayos - were monotonous, as were its enemies (the Kryptis), and the meta events consisted only of crazy AoE spam and mob bashing with no fun mechanics to them. How any of that would leave SotO to qualify as an "actually good and real expansion" is beyond me.
  7. Wait... Your account got hacked ten years ago and was recovered just now?
  8. Three years later... 😄 Which does not answer the OP's question at all. 😉 There is a hub portal now in Lion's Arch, next to the entrance to the Aerodrome, plus Dungeons have their own subcategory in LFG.
  9. https://i.imgur.com/NeYcMOQ.jpg The implementation of those sets has been plain awful. The concept art looked fantastic, but the actual thing has totally messed up bodily proportions (shrunk head, shrunk torso, bloated chest, fat hips and legs). Also, all the extra stuff (like the blades and the collar on medium) seems completely out of proportion compared to the cool concept art images. The only set that matched the concept art at all is the light one. Hopefully, those will have some actual mechanics other than "Run around and mindlessly bash the same mobs over and over" and "Avoid the bosses' AoE fields". That was such an uninspired design, which is why I consider SotO Convergences only slightly better than Rifts. Both are boring in my book.
  10. They might be for some people, but to me they were both two of many disappointments in the Inner Nayos realization. And I know I am not the only one feeling this way. I sincerely hope Janthir Wilds won't have any such "major features". 😉 Though they've already threatened to implement new Convergences there, didn't they? 😳
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