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Posts posted by DarkOne.9603

  1. I was not in the top three, but she was. I did get the achievement, while she did not.

    I think 7 people finished.

    We did this a second time while not in a party. She finished in the top three and got the achievement.


    We think being in a party was the problem with this bug, because we had the same problem happen at another time for a different achievement.

  2. I just did return to jahai bluffs with a friend (we were in a party) and we both finished the race. However, I got the achievement unlocked for inner keep rerunner, while my friend did not.

    I found this happening before where I got the achievement while my friend did not. Both of the times this type of thing happened, we were in a party.

    I hope this is a bug that will be addressed, because it makes me feel bad for getting an achievement while my friend does not (even though we did the same thing).

  3. That suggests Mighty Teapot is very knowledgeable about the goings on of bots and the amount of people that use it, which makes him look incredibly suspicious.

    But since he doesn't really need bots to get what he needs ingame, it's more likely that he doesn't know what he's talking about and he's just posting a video about "things he's heard", since posting videos is his source of income.


    Regardless of the reason he posted that video. If it's true what he's saying, it means that that botting software will stop being useful once taken off. It doesn't mean there will be no more botting. If it's the biggest bot software that goes offline, that just means they go to the next person to supply people with bots.

    Therefore, it doesn't diminish the need for Arenanet to address the issue at hand.

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  4. On 11/16/2021 at 1:13 PM, mercury ranique.2170 said:

    I understand the frustration, but there is also such thing as privacy. Let's use the hacked account example. You report illegal activities. Anet sees it is a hacked account and might even alert the original owner that his security is breached. The original owner takes steps to improve his personal online security and regains control over his account.

    All you see is that this account is still active. But do you think it is ok for them to tell the reporter what happened? Or give any information beyond: "Thanks,. we'll look into it" (which is what they are allready saying).

    Another thing not mentioned before is that by informing people about actions taken, they also grant insight in how they operate. Another example. When a specific report about farming is made, they'll likely have a queue. Let's assume for the sake of explaining it is 3 days (no it isn't! but it is an example). By giving us feedback about the reports it is known this queue is 3 days. People might even discuss that 3 days is outragious. So the smart botters know that they have no fear to farm for atleast 2,5 days. After that they need to take a break of 4,5 days so they can't be caught in the act.

    I'm not saying this is how NCSoft operates, but how they do operate should be obscured from the bad people. This makes it hard to share the info with the good people as well.

    Frustrating? Yes
    Can something be done? not much!



    We've terminated 3940 accounts due to botting and RMT.

    We've suspended 2345 accounts due to buying gold for money."


    This is what I'm asking for. This is what FF14 does as I mentioned above.

    Make it visible that you are actually doing something. "We'll look into it" is an empty promise. "We have looked into multiple issues and as result took this many actions" is a report on something actually being done. No privacy was breached. No information was given on their process towards their action. But you show your community that something is done.


    You only have to look at the third person to post in this thread to see what a lot of people in the community are thinking:

    On 11/10/2021 at 4:06 PM, GODh.3892 said:

    The whole report system is a joke. You need to select a player to use the report function, but that is often impossible tot do that because the bot is underground or in the node or just too fast (teleported away). And i think Anet wants multiple reports of 1 account before they even considering to look at it 😥


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  5. On 11/9/2021 at 3:20 PM, mercury ranique.2170 said:

    In short. It is difficult for us players to see and comprehend what ncsoft does about hackers and botters.


    That's exactly my point. Nothing is said, so people tend to interpret that as 'nothing is done'.

    You can see it in a lot of places, most of all in the forums and on Reddit. A lot of PvP players are very bitter about the topic of bots and they see no announcements whatsoever about anything being done about it.

    I understand that they can't say anything about specific cases, but if you make reports, don't hear anything about your report being done, still see that account in action and then also never see an announcement, then that's not exactly going to inspire people to report these activities.


    If ANet wants to do something about the problem, they should at least show that helping them by reporting does something

    • Like 1
  6. Like the title said.

    I've been farming elder wood and flax seed for a while now, and every time I do, I see multiple accounts where a player just teleports below ground level to nodes.

    Only way to report them is to make screenshot after screenshot, hope you get their name on one of them, add that name to friends and then report them for botting.

    Then you never hear from the report again (several accounts I've reported are still on my friend list, so it seems nothing has been done after even a few months) and we never hear any announcements about bot accounts being removed.

    I fully understand you can't say anything about particular cases, right to privacy and all that. In contrast, Final Fantasy 14 (which has its fair share of bot problems) makes regular announcements about banning accounts for real money trading, breaking terms of service etcetera. They don't share information on specific cases, but at least they show they're doing something.

    In contrast, I search for bots on this forum and I see multiple threads of people complaining about bots and people frustrated that nothing seems to be done.


    I already remarked about this in a support ticket, but they simply advised me to post here, since, as they say, devs read the forums.

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